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Question and Suggestion

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Question: Why are the bump rules once every 24 hours?


Suggestion: In my experience in forums, I know big forums like wizard of the coast have one bump everhy 24 hours because of traffic. No offense, but why couldn't be twice every 24 hours? I really try not to use up resources by updating only one thread. Bumping once every 24 hours doesn't help getting enough attention to see if I should keep making cards or not.


Laymen's terms, bumping should be done twice per day based on forums size I see. I am sorry if I sound like an ungreatful child, but thats just my opinion.

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well, it sounds as if you are a bit impatient. XD


i have to deal with it too, as no one seems to look at my Allies anymore, even when i update the thread.


if you could constantly bump the thread, then it would always be at the top, causing a lot of traffic. as you said other forums have the rule for.


same thing here. ^_^



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