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Batteryman Deck

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Ok, so this is may "real" Batteryman deck. Any criticism, good or bad, will be appreciated and considered.


Monsters (22)

1x Zaborg the Thunder Monarch

1x Sangan

2x Super-Electromagnetic Voltech Dragon

2x Shining Angel

2x Batteryman Industrial Strength

3x Batteryman Charger

3x Batteryman AA

3x Batteryman Micro-Cell

3x Batteryman D


Spells (13)

1x Monster Reborn

1x Premature Burial

1x Heavy Storm

1x Swords of Revealing Light

1x Brain Control

2x Short Circuit

3x Inferno Reckless Summon

3x Battery Charger



1x Mirror Force

1x Magical Cylinder

1x Torrential Tribute

2x Portable Battery Pack

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And here's the deck using several cards that I just recently made up.


Monsters (20)


2x Super-Electromagnetic Voltech Dragon

2x Batteryman Industrial Strength

3x Batteryman Charger

2x Batteryman Lithium

2x Batteryman N

3x Batteryman AA

3x Batteryman Micro-Cell

3x Batteryman AAA


Spells (16)

1x Monster Reborn

1x Premature Burial

1x Heavy Storm

1x Swords of Revealing Light

1x Brain Control

2x Short Circuit

3x Inferno Reckless Summon

3x Battery Charger

3x More Power!



1x Mirror Force

1x Magical Cylinder

2x Circuit Breaker

2x Portable Battery Pack

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This is not the place to post about cards u made. Only real cards are allowed here

Well I skimmed through the rules, and I didn't see anything that said I couldn't, but just to make sure, I posted my actual deck. It does say "If your deck contains obscure or unreleased OCG-only cards, your post should also contain either a link to a description of those cards or a copy-paste of the effects of those cards." Which I did for every card that I made up.

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-1 Zaborg the Thunder Monarch

-1 Sangan

-2 Super-Electromagnetic Voltech Dragon

-2 Shining Angel

-3 Batteryman D

-1 Heavy Storm

-1 Swords of Revealing Light

-1 Brain Control

-1 Magical Cylinder


+1 Batteryman Industrial Strength

+3 Guardian of Order

+1 The Creator

+3 Card of Safe Return

+3 Trade-in

+3 Reasoning


Thats a start.

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