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Penalty Game! Discuss.

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Trap Dustshoot is far superior in the first role, due to its ability to pick and choose. Also, the first effect doesn't actually get rid of anything, it's more like a PWWB than a Dustshoot. The second effect is decent though, I'd say this could easily see play in the place of Cold Wave, as IMO it's better, since it only applies to the opponent's turn, and the ideal time to play it is the beginning of the duel anyways.

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This card is actually not bad


Because your opponent will always have exactly four cards in their hand' date=' right?


Could be good with Brionac. :3



you can activate in the draw phase, before s/he has a chance to change it from four. makes it a most annoying card. computers that have do it all the time to me, but then computers are cheep asses, and stupid, not waiting for the right moment.

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This card is actually not bad


Because your opponent will always have exactly four cards in their hand' date=' right?


Could be good with Brionac. :3





damn, i thought it was 4 or more...


i thought the same thing until that was pointed out.


it is good, but extremely situational.


it isnt very often that you can have this card and your opponent has four cards.. if it is, good for you!


i would say maybe side deck, but this isnt Main Deck material.. not in my opinion.



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This card is actually not bad


Because your opponent will always have exactly four cards in their hand' date=' right?


Could be good with Brionac. :3



you can activate in the draw phase, before s/he has a chance to change it from four. makes it a most annoying card. computers that have do it all the time to me, but then computers are cheep asses, and stupid, not waiting for the right moment.


i thought there was a rule that a turn officially starts AFTER the normal draw had been done. Isn't that why people still had one turn after exchange of spirit went off?

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