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Horrible Trap Exodia Deck ^_^

Void Old

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Monsters: 10


Exodia the Forbidden One x1

Right Arm of the Forbidden One x1

Left Arm of the Forbidden One x1

Right Leg of the Forbidden One x1

Left Leg of the Forbidden One x1

Sangan x1

Cyber Valley x3

Vortex Trooper x1


Spells: 6


Upstart Goblin x3

Toon Table of Contents x3


Traps: 24


Reckless Greed x3

Legacy of Yata-Garasu x3

Jar of Greed x3

Waboku x3

Lightforce Sword x3

Threatening Roar x3

Accumulated Fortune x3

Good Goblin Housekeeping x3


So, what are your thoughts? :P


Note: This=a fun for teh lulz Deck, but I want to stick with the theme. :P

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Mantiloop phails because it's so preventable and once it's prevented you're sscrewed. It's vulnerable to any S/T destruction, Crows, Solemns, Wraths, etc.


This Deck tries to use chainable traps to get hand advantage, which still phails [thanks a lot Jinzo!], but not quite as much.

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