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Yes, this deck runs 3 Stim Pack


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I want to see how many people will remember this deck. I tried to rebuild it to the best of my abilities, I am probably forgetting something.


Monsters: 20

3 Jirai Gumo

3 Dark Elf

3 Goblin Attack Force

3 Bazoo the Soul Eater

1 Sangan

1 Spirit Reaper

1 D.D. Warrior Lady

1 Don Zaloog

2 Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer

1 Airknight Parsath

1 Jinzo


Spells: 12

3 Stim Pack

1 Mystical Space Typhoon

1 Heavy Storm

2 Axe of Despair

1 Monster Reborn

1 Premature Burial

2 Rush Recklessly

1 Fissure


Traps: 8

3 Solemn Judgement

2 Magic Jammer

2 Seven Tools of the Bandit

1 Mirror Force

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I really don't understand the Stim Packs, if you want Equip Spells, which I still wouldnz't recommend except for Premature, do the following:


-3 Stim Pack

+1 Axe of Despair

+1 Mage Power

+1 United we Stand


I'd take out the Jammers and Sevens for 3 Bribes and a Torrential.


-3 Dark Elves for 3 Van'Dalgyons.

-3 Jirai Gumo for 3 Giant Orcs

-2 La Jinn for 2 Slate Warriors


Make those changes and it might be semi-solid, although still looks quite shaky.

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I really don't understand the Stim Packs' date=' if you want Equip Spells, which I still wouldnz't recommend except for Premature, do the following:


-3 Stim Pack

+1 Axe of Despair

+1 Mage Power

+1 United we Stand


I'd take out the Jammers and Sevens for 3 Bribes and a Torrential.


-3 Dark Elves for 3 Van'Dalgyons.

-3 Jirai Gumo for 3 Giant Orcs

-2 La Jinn for 2 Slate Warriors


Make those changes and it might be semi-solid, although still looks quite shaky.



Someone missed the point of this deck.

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In that case, forget I said Bribes and Van'Dals.


Still do:


-3 Jirai Gumo for 3 Giant Orcs

-2 La Jinn for 2 Slate Warriors


I'd take out the Jammers and Sevens for 2 Lightforce Swords, Dustshoot, and a Torrential.


Make those changes and it should be as old as you made it. ;) DCR and below, amirite?

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