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CREATOR and SET-ID options

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When you create a Card there are a few options that might be a bit annoying. Espcially on the Creator and Set ID boxes.

You always have to type in any random code or fixed code's and kep on typing the same things agian and agian.

What about if your name was already there (Data collecd from User Profile) and you had options to create a set and there was drop-down box showing the first three letters of your set(s). When you choose one it wil automattically show that first letters of that set and any random 4 letters for the next box.

You won't have to type it in continusly on every card agian.

And whatever year it was that you wre using this (e.g 2007) it was already there.

If you didn't want those years or names etc....

You could change them to your preffered option.



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