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When i first heard of yu-gi-oh it was in second grade me and my friend my best friend the first one i ever had bj , was talking when another one of my friends came over and asked if i wanted to play yu-gi-oh but i said no. I didnt know how to play he didnt care because he didnt either. After class one of the kids left s card behind i thaught it could have been any of the other kids cards. Every one had them now a days. the card was kuribo well what that ment ha. i didnt know any thing i tossed it aside. I went home my dad my only parent i have my mother broke up but he took me down the road to one ofhis friends house. He had a son he played yu-gi-oh but didnt know very muchhe taught me the feild rules.


I got curious how do i play this game could i be good at it. Boom i found a real player with a whole deck well he wasnt really much of a player he never dueled before. But he knew alot about the game he told me the amount of cards you need in your deck to play. 40 cards how am i going to get 40 cards ha if i only knew that was just a small amount of what real collecters have. Bj his mom started getting him lil booster packs here and there but not enough cards. It was in 4th grade everbody started slowing down on yu-gi-oh bj stop collecting then 5th grade it started to speed up some more but then stoped with most people could barely find any one to play even if you knew how.


But there were some friends that still had card kenny another friend he had tons of cards way more then i imagened. he gave me enough cards for a deck but they werent very good and i still didnt know how to play. bj he was etting lots of cards know too. we practiced and tried to figure it out. But in 6th grade i got my first starter deck my dad bout it for me it was a yugi deck it had a rule book that i was happy for i took out the book and red the whole thing.



i taught bj , bj hgot better reading because of reading card effects be used to be a poor reader but he is good at it now i fixed up my own game stratigys got my own cards it was great i was really good with it all no one dueled could beat me inless i let them wich i would do for bj some times. I used to beat any one it wasw fun and made me happy i was bjs teacher i taught him how to duel very well he was great tramendis but he was still just geting the hang of it he just used any old cards he got. i taught him about chooseing your cards wisely lol literally. but he does it some times today but in the right manner to test the streangth of the deck when i got that first deck i didnt want to switch any cards but i did adventaully but.



One day i got i ton of cards stolen and my lil brother and sister tore up soem too i quit end of story


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