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chaoserver for card trade mod

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No, all the mod would do would be to sort out any problems, keep the forum clean, update the feedback thread and move topics around accordingly, they would have nothing to do with the cards themselves, unless they were trading - In this case, we would need someone who isn't corrupt, chaoserver is a good choice.

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I certainly do not think Im the only choice. But it is a valid point that the card trade area should be moderated, as the reference page is not maintained, and suspicious individuals have infiltrated it. I think having someone appointed is not a poor idea, whether it be myself or another member.

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Yes, thank you all, I think we all agreed from the start of this thread that Card Trade needs a mod, so can you please stop posting saying we should, as that is pointless.


If you think a certain member should become a moderator, then PM YCMaker about it, as it's not mine, not bhim's, but his choice.

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