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my water field control deck


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This is my special deck i've won a couple hobby shop tournaments with it and it hasn't steered me wrong yet, it's a tweaked version of the fury of the deep structure deck.



1 Ocean dragon lord - Neo-Daedalus

1 The Legendary Fisherman

1 Crab Turtle

1 Gagagigo

1 Levia-Dragon-Daedalus

2 Nightmare Penguin

3 7 Colored Fish

1 Mobius The Frost Monarch

1 Amphibious Bugroth MK-3

1 Star Boy

1 Unshaven Angler

1 Creeping Doom Manta

1 Terrorking Salmon

1 Mother Grizzly

1 Tribe Infecting Virus

1 Mermaid Knight

1 Elemental Hero Bubbleman



1 Gravity Bind

2 Tornado wall

1 Torrential Tribute

1 Dust tornado

1 Curse Of Royal

1 Spritual Water Art- Aoi

1 Astral Barrier



1 Share the pain

1 Card destruction

1 Monster Gate

1 Swords of Revealing light

1 Double Snare

1 Salvage

1 Big Wave Small Wave

2 A Legendary Ocean

1 Turtle Oath

1 Mystical Space Typhoon

1 Giant Trunade


I'm not too updated wit the new forbidden/limited/semi limited list so if there's any flaw with my deck and the list please let me know. I'm only an ameteur player so it's not a spectacular deck. The main strategy is to Use my field card and combine it with Tornado wall, which makes all direct damage to my life points 0, and i use astral barrier which allows me to take any attack to my monsters and change it to direct damage, If i need to i can use gravity bind to make attacking even harder, And of course i use other spell and trap cards to defend my combo, double snare destroys monsters like jinzo. And i keep a copy of my field card and tornado wall just in case.


I'm new here so if this post goes against any rules please let me know.

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