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[DISC]Emperor of Lightning

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I agree with a previous statment that says that it should be banned, not illegal.


I mean, what is the point of making a card that could never, ever, be used?


That is ridiculous. XD


So, no, it doesnt deserve to be illegal.

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While Illegal may not equal Banned, YOU STILL CAN'T USE IT.


They didn't make it legal because it wins the entire match, not just the game.



Match = 3 Games


It's best out of 3, so 2 wins is the Match.


I don't know why people still don't realize that.



They made it as a promotional card that isn't intended for use, just as the God Cards were.

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i'm the only one that can read the "this card cannot be used in a duel" text on the bottom of the card??



dumb post' date=' lock it...





i guess i am...


No, remember this question?


Does this card deserve the illegal list?


We all know, its just whether or not it deserved it or not.

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