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I have lost all faith in my abilities.

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atem could be rude, but he's right... you can't improve here...


also, when was the last time you modified your deck?? or the last time you tested new combos?? when was the last time that you changed decks just for the lulz?? those things makes you improve, not taking advices from some random guys that are worse than you and they try to flirt on you just by telling some ovious things like "add solemn"...



also, YVD can help you a lot...

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This is happening to me.


My Dark Gaia OTK is failing (loluck deck).


I reeeeeeally want to take it apart but first I need money for my Skull Servant deck. Or Tea's Morphing Mummy loop deck. Or my GB deck.


Being broke sucks. >_<


I'm thinkin of not playing IRL anymore.


Once I get an internet connection that WILL LET ME PLAY GAMES ONLINE!!!!


*pant pant*


Your in a slump. It happens to the best of us.


Just stop playing for a few weeks, save your money up, fix/change your deck, then play.

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I think its a sign that you must modify your deck. I started using Macro Monarchs because I was sick and tired of getting swarmed to death by Six Sam and getting pwned by Heraklinos' Permission Control. There wasnt much if anything I could do against them. I decided to start with a new deck that was relatively inexpensive, consistent and anti-Meta. It is able to beat Six Sam on a regular basis and can put up a good fight against GB's.


As for your deck, you're probably getting bad draw luck. Trust me. It happens.

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