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Dragon Turbo Synchro [D.T.S.]


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Well with the new pack coming out over here in the TCG I Figured I would make an attempt at making a Synchro deck, by replacing my old Dragon level deck with Synchro Support instead of Level Support, this is what I Came up with so far.


It Needs alot of work, and any and all suggestions will be taken into consideration, and considering how new the set is right now, I cant say there would be a wrong suggestion for the deck At this Moment...






3x Magna Drago

3x Dark Resonator

2x Prime Material Dragon

2x Exploder Dragon

2x Spear Dragon

2x Masked Dragon

2x Mirage Dragon

2x Dragonic Knight

1x Twin-Headed Behemoth

1x Cyber Dragon

1x The Tricky

1x Breaker the Magical Warrior



2x Card of Safe Return

2x Lightning Vortex

1x Reasoning

1x Monster Gate

1x Mystical Space Typhoon

1x Heavy Storm

1x Brain Control

1x Monster Reborn




3x Threatening Roar

2x Graceful Revival

1x Windstorm of Etaqua

1x Torrential Tribute

1x Trap Dustshoot



Extra Deck(8):

2x Stardust Dragon

2x Red Dragon Archfiend

2x Avenging Knight Parshath

2x Goyo Guardian



Comments, Suggestions, Rate(1-10)?


Updated As of August 24, 2008

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Come Again? not to familiar with computer lingo' date=' if thats what your speaking...



Me neither, but I think it means this thread will be locked or something, because that's what happens most of the time when the 'cursed two-worded phrase' appears.


Well, before I'm not allowed to give suggestions, I will say that you should add 2 Solemn Judgements instead of 2 Windstorm of Etaqua. Bye!

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At Dj Osiris: I am trying to stick to more of a dragon Theme, Avenging Knight Parshath is in there as support for Red Dragon Archfiend, just like Windstorm of Etaqua.

if I wasn't going for the Dragon Theme, I would totally run Goyo Guardian.


At Thegargoylevine:The Windstorm Of Etaqua's serve as the battle position changer for Red Dragon Archfiend's

ability to nuke defense positioned monsters.


and as for the Assumption of the topic being locked: Sorry, I must have Skipped over that rule when reading through them (I mean I did read through them when it was like 11:00 at night) I have edited the list with the appropriate links to the cards non-existent in the TCG at the moment.

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Running in the OCG?


No Redrum = Complete failure.


Redrum allows massive recursion for any of your dragons even though he is a level 10, thus a no good target for synchro summoning(although why someone would do that is beyond me anyway).


Stargate is BAD. Want to abuse tuners and synchros? Use Angel Gift instead since Magna Drago happens to be a level 2 monster(works for Sinister Sprocket too). If you run out a lot of low attacker tuners, run Limit Reverse as well.


Quillbolt Hedgehog is only good if you run Foolish Burial, or a beast synchro deck for that matter. Which isn't the case.


Needs alot more synchros. No Goyou Guardian = FAIL. No Ally of Justice-Catastor = FAIL. No Dragon of Ice Barrier-Brionac = FAIL.


Synchro Blast Wave sucks. Might as well use Smashing Ground or Fissure.


Handcuff Dragon? Montage Dragon? Why the hell? OUT. Prime Material Dragon is okay, but I wouldn't play him.

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I am Running in the TCG, the cards will be released on August 9th at the Sneak Preview, so most of the cards you just listed, aren't going to be out for a long time for me.... I have taken some of your suggestions, Montage is in there for the Support as a dragon, In my Opinion he is a semi-good beat stick, and semi useful for getting certain cards needed in the grave, to the grave, No Goyou because I am trying to keep it strictly Dragon Themed, Avenging knight and some of the tuners are pushing it as it is...but they are mostly there for support/because there isnt enough dragon tuners other then Magna Drago and 3 isn't enough.


I also have no clue what Redrum is, I was able to identify all of the other cards you listed to run except for that one, it seems like a really good card, but chances are its not available to me yet, so I am not going to worry about it right now.


thank you, you have been a huge help, and I am still in need of major help, I just have the feeling the deck is far from ready...


Rate anyone?

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i have added turbo synchron and monster gates seeing that they are more help then what was originally in the deck in place of them. I also added Goyou noticing the Synchro support factor from him.


Any other suggestions, or is it good as is?


anybody Wanna try rating it? anyone at all...?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Had to update to the Most Recent Ban list, Deck took a huge hit with the Reasoning's and Monster Gates knocked down. Everything else was pretty easy to replace.


Any new suggestions, I play tested it, it actually still had the same speed as before, but I still feel like it could use some cards.


I was thinking about running Red-Eyes Wyvern when it came out, along with Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon, but until they come out of the OCG and into the TCG, I will have to do without for the time being.

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