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Do YOU want your shop stickied?


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Alright, I've decided to revive the stickying of shops.


However, only five shops will be stickied at a time.


If someone's shop becomes inactive, their shop will be unstickied, and someone else will have a chance to get their shop stickied.


At the end of each month, all shops will be unstickied, and people can apply or re-apply to get their shop stickied.


To apply to get your shop stickied, fill out the following form and I'll see if your shop is good enough to get stickied.


Shop Name:

Owner(s) Name(s):

Two Examples of Work from your Shops:

Amount of time your Shop has been open:

Why you think it should be stickied:


Once you've filled out the form, post it in this thread.

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Shop Name:Shop of Lightning! Everything is 5 points!

Owner(s) Name(s):Static Remix, Mew101

Two Examples of Work from your Shops:29lxok5.png,n2zolt.png

Amount of time your Shop has been open:7-31-08, 1:52 PM

Why you think it should be stickied: Ithas been open for a while, and it has many items.

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Shop Name: [sHP]The Free Shop! | C,H,E Poke Eggs! Check 'em out!| SHOP UPGRADED!

Owner(s) Name(s): Ashje

Two Examples of Work from your Shops:



Amount of time your Shop has been open: Since the 28/2/08

Why you think it should be stickied: It's got tons of orders and is completely free. Plus I produce some decent work.

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Shop Name: Max's 1 FREE sig shop! (CHANCE OF LUCK, ONE PERSON GETS A SIG!!!!! ACT NOW!!!)

Owner(s) Name(s): Max

Two Examples of Work from your Shops: done-15-1.png



Amount of time your Shop has been open: 5 Minutes.

Why you think it should be stickied: 'cause I want it to be. (and i can give you something at the pack preview)^-^

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Shop Name: [Kale] Tersus Effercio! The YCMega Store!

Owner(s) Name(s): Kale and I am his worker

Two Examples of Work from your Shops:


that is more than 2, lol

Amount of time your Shop has been open: A little under 3 months

Why you think it should be stickied: Correct if wrong but I believe it is the most active shop up to date?

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Shop Name: [~]The Main Frame[~]

Owner(s) Name(s): Atomix, Legacy of Stardust, Excalibur454, Seth, The Fairy King, Tiger

Two Examples of Work from your Shops:





Amount of time your Shop has been open: About 24 hours

Why you think it should be stickied: Like kale's it will grow and grow and we allow anyone who can do something to join!!

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Shop Name:The Dark YGMega Store

Owner(s) Name(s): Blackblade

[spoiler=Examples of your work]NewestPackexmp-1.png




Amount of time your Shop has been open:around.. 20 hours

Why you think it should be stickied: I think it will become a HUGE success, because i now have a recolorer working for me, so that will make a big difference. I also recently learned how to make high quality boosters using renders!!

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Shop Name: United Sigs,Banners,Booster Packs, and OCG help

Owner(s) Name(s): GHawk XIII

Two Examples of Work from your Shops: sakura.pngDVZ.jpg

Amount of time your Shop has been open: About 1 week or less

Why you think it should be stickied: I thin kthat this Shop should be stickied because I would show our true potintal.

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Shop Name: Free Banners!

Owner(s) Name(s): Lord Whitey

Two Examples of Work from your Shops:



Amount of time your Shop has been open: Since 08-17-2008, 09:28 PM (not long, i know)

Why you think it should be stickied: Well, there are shops where ppl get sigs at a cost, but here, they can get as many sigs as they want for no cost! So, if it's stickied, then ppl will see it more often and they will be getting more free sigs!

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Shop Name:YouShop

Owner(s) Name(s):Angus0403, Tiger

Two Examples of Work from your Shops:



Amount of time your Shop has been open: About A Few Weeks

Why you think it should be stickied: I do my orders from people right away, and i have a full 5D's Logo with the Trading Card Game On It.

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Shop Name: [sHP]Ultimate CardMaster97 Shop - Everything is FREE!!! - New Items

Owner(s) Name(s): CardMaster97

Two Examples of Work from your Shops:



Amount of time your Shop has been open: Since 07-04-2008, 07:51 PM

Why you think it should be stickied: Because people like my shop and some have said that I should get my shop stickied. Also because my shop is FREE so people like it more. I do lots of items and people like the handhelds I make.

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Owner:Andyrad1 Workers:~Veemon~, 4Tutoralcom, Exodius13

Two Examples of Work from your Shops:



Amount of time your Shop has been open:Our shop has been open since August 18,2008

Why you think it should be stickied:We want to help people and we do a lot of things. We also now sell gameboys!!!

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