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Dr. Light's Assistant


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Dr. Light is swamped and can't find time to finish making the Robots he started working on. This is where you come in.


(?) = See Bottom.



- Create 3 MegaMan themed Monster Cards.

- They must be Effect Monsters.

- They do not have to support each other.



1st - 75 Points + 1 Gold Dragon Token(?)

2nd - 50 Points + 1 Silver Dragon Token(?)

3rd- 25 Points + 1 Bronze Dragon Token(?)



The Gold, Silver, and Bronze Dragon Tokens are to be used as Vouchers of sorts in my Shop (Coming Soon). The shop items are placed in Categories depending on Difficulty and Price. Gold Dragon Tokens can be used to buy 1 Free Gold Category Item. Silver Dragon Tokens can be used to buy 1 Free Silver Category Item, and so on.


End Date

August 15th


Good luck!!












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Does it have to be new cards, or can it be cards you already made b4? Either way, entry reserved.


EDIT: Here's card #1


I've had this pic saved on my computer for a while and forgot whose it is. But I know for a fact it isn't mine.

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