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MY 1ST THREAD: Power Rangers Mystic Force...5 Rangers with their Titanzords; 18 cards


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First of all: Like my signature already says: "All the images I am using are not mine, so I claim no credit for these images"

The source of these pictures is ranger-retrocenter.com

The images are real actors in custumes, except the zords.


Normally I made these cards for myself, but I decided to post them here too, cause I searched the forums here for Power Ranger Cards and found only a few, although some really liked to see more.


This is my first thread here, and I hope I made everything right, like posting the source, and the actors etc.

I hope you will like them.


Here they are:




Description: Negate the effects of Spell Cards that designate this card. While you control another card that includes "Ranger" in its card name, negate the effects of DARK monsters that designate Monster Cards with "Ranger" in their name on your side of the field and increase the ATK and DEF of this card by 300 points.






Description: This card cannot be Special Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by the effect of "Phoenix Conjuration". Negate the effects of Spell and Monster Cards that designate this card. While you control another monster that include "Titanzord" in its card name, this card can attack twice per turn.







Description: Negate the effects of Trap Cards that designate this card. While you control another card that includes "Ranger" in its card name, negate the effects of EARTH monsters that designate Monster Cards with "Ranger" in their name on your side of the field and increase the ATK and DEF of this card by 300 points.






Description: This card cannot be Special Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by the effect of "Minotaur Conjuration". Negate the effects of Spell and Trap Cards that designate this card. While you control another monster that include "Titanzord" in its card name, you can pay 500 Life Points to destroy 1 face-down card your opponent controls.








Description: Negate the effects of Trap Cards that designate this card. While you control another card that includes "Ranger" in its card name, negate the effects of WIND monsters that designate Monster Cards with "Ranger" in their name on your side of the field and increase the ATK and DEF of this card by 300 points.






Description: This card cannot be Special Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by the effect of "Garuda Conjuration". Negate the effects of Trap and Spell Cards that designate this card. While you control another monster that include "Titanzord" in its card name, you can pay 1000 Life Points to destroy all face-down monsters your opponent controls.








Description: Negate the effects of Spell Cards that designate this card. While you control another card that includes "Ranger" in its card name, negate the effects of FIRE monsters that designate Monster Cards with "Ranger" in their name on your side of the field and increase the ATK and DEF of this card by 300 points.






Description: This card cannot be Special Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by the effect of "Sprite Conjuration". Negate the effects of Trap and Monster Cards that designate this card. While you control another monster that include "Titanzord" in its card name, increase your Life Points by 2500 points.








Description: Negate the effects of Trap Cards that designate this card. While you control another card that includes "Ranger" in its card name, negate the effects of WATER monsters that designate Monster Cards with "Ranger" in their name on your side of the field and increase the ATK and DEF of this card by 300 points.






Description: This card cannot be Special Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by the effect of "Mermaid Conjuration". Negate the effects of Spell and Monster Cards that designate this card. While you control another monster that include "Titanzord" in its card name, select up to 2 cards on the field and put them on the bottom of their respective owners Decks.











Description: When this card is targeted by the effect of a Spell or Trap Card, pay 800 Life Points to negate the activation. While you control at least 2 monsters that include "Ranger" in its card name, this card can attack your opponent directly, by removing 2 Spell Cards from your Graveyard from play.









Description: This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by the effect of "Manticore Fusing." Negate the effects of Spell, Trap and Monster Cards that designate this card. When this card destroyed 1 monster by the result of battle, increase your Life Points by 1500 points.

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idk about the ocg it's not the best good effects blurry pics 7.5/10


I made these pic advised blurry to make their appearance looking more like an artwork' date=' and not like real actors with custumes



oh ok i see what you mean now in that case 8.5/10 ps: i love the red ranger, nick XD

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Cool Cards. Try making some Power Ranger Wild Force Cards


No, I don't think I make Wild Force cards. I don't watched Wild Force, so how I can make cards if I don't know their Zords, characteristics etc. BTW I only like Mystic Force :)

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UR CARDS R AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 10000000000000000000000000000000000000/10!!!


p.s.-if u need some power rangers wild force "tutoring' date='" i can help cuz i know pretty much every single ranger that ever existed[/u']. if u do want "tutoring," just send me a message.


Thank you for your help, but no, I dont need :) I nearly know all series, but Mystic Force was the only one I liked so much. All the other series arent that great, bad costumes, bad sound, bad story etc. Mystic Force still the best. Of course I will give you rep. for asking me if I need help :)

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