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Search Broken?


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Each time i try and search something (or even just look at the 'Find All Threads' button). This comes up


MySQL error: 145

Table './myBB/mybb_searchlog' is marked as crashed and should be repaired

Query: INSERT INTO mybb_searchlog (sid, uid, dateline, ipaddress, threads, posts, searchtype, resulttype, querycache) VALUES ('87d1206dc2c3b412fb92c0846f9e1c21', '3816', '1217846250', '', '', '', 'titles', 'threads', 't.uid=\'3816\' AND t.fid NOT IN (\'12\')')


or this


MySQL error: 145

Table './myBB/mybb_searchlog' is marked as crashed and should be repaired

Query: SELECT * FROM mybb_searchlog WHERE uid='3816' AND dateline >= '1217846291' ORDER BY dateline DESC


Is this happening to everyone or just me?



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i usually look at that to see if anyone comments in my posts, and when i looked at it today i had thought the entire website was down, until i went to the home page.


this is quite annoying, as now i have to do it by hand with a fine tooth comb. >.<


oh well, i hope it gets fixed, as it is happening to me too.



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