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Joke card by SaTuRnPaLaDiN - Cluck Norris

Saturn of Elemia

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Hello everyone. I have another card for you to rate/hate/comment. Once again, I have made a card out of boredom. I have chicken on my mind for some strange reason, so I decided to make a card based around a chicken. It didn't take long before a name and effect came to mind. Here is what boredom has spawned. Without further ado:



If there is fried chicken within 10 feet of you, increase the ATK and DEF of this card by 2000. If baked chicken is within 10 feet of you, this card is unaffected by Spell Cards. If grilled chicken is within 10 feet of you, this card is unaffected by Trap Cards. If barbecue chicken is within 10 feet of you, this card is not destroyed by battle. If a live chicken is within 10 feet of you, you win the Duel. If all of the above are within 10 feet of you, you wn the Match (and must love chicken).


I know, it is really bizarre. Lemme know whatcha think. 8)

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LOL. Cluck Norris. Effects are funny. Picture is funny. I see a few OCG errors (I think). fried chicken should be "Fried Chicken", baked chicken should be "Baked Chicken", grilled chicken should be "Grilled Chicken", barbeque chicken should be "Barbecue Chicken", live chicken should be "Live Chicken" (unless the effects are mean't to be that way). :)

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