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Dimension Crossover Network: Cards

Supreme Gamesmaster

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Guest Supreme Gamesmaster

Cards in order of appearance.

[spoiler=Dimension Crossover Network]

1. Billy


Summary: An idiot with an IQ of -5, Billy was never one to grasp the situation, even if he does mean well. He accidentally retrieved Mandy three kitsune kittens from feudal Japan instead of a glass of milk, and took it upon himself to raise them. This made him the target of Naraku, who promptly sent a demon army to his house. The event was treated as routine, and they had no idea Naraku was behind it until he showed up in person. After Kikyo banished him to Mobius, Billy decided to follow; being an avid Sonamy shipper, Billy spent most of his time setting up shortsighted schemes to pair Sonic with Amy. Though they all failed, he didn't realize he was causing trouble until Tera Bowser formed. In his defense, he did do his part to put down the great beast.


2. Grim


Summary: Grim was present when Naraku attacked Billy's house in search of the Kitsune triplets; he warded off the army easily, but paled against Naraku. After Naraku was banished by Kikyo, he started traveling dimensions to gain allies to fight said demon. Unfortunately, as he did so, Giga Bowser gained strength, and other villains were able to join Naraku. After several small skirmishes, Grim met InuYasha, who charged him with giving Naraku power; they were at odds for most of the remaining time, but when the armies of good and evil fought, they easily saved each other's lives, making them more friendly rivals. Grim was instrumental to the defeat of Tera Bowser.


3. Kikyo


Summary: Kikyo's role was small but instrumental, her appearances brief but key. She banished Naraku from Billy's house, and then launched used her spiritual arrow to temporarily paralyze Tera Bowser; said attack gave Jigglypuff time to arrive.


4. Naraku


Summary: Naraku, one of the most powerful demons in Saqrundica, attacked Billy's house in an attempt to kidnap three kitsune kits there. The attack failed, and when he attempted to intervene himself, he was sent to Mobius by Kikyo. He managed to lead his demon armies there. Just as he was winning a battle against Sonic and his allies, Captain Falcon appeared and knocked him back to Earth (this time in the present day). Learning of Inferno's plot, he joined up with its organization, Darkedge, in an effort to gather the Soul Edge shards. As he did, even he was unaware of Inferno's plan to lure the Triforce bearers to Stonehenge to retrieve Ganondorf from the Sacred Realm. He once clashed with Samus Aran, and nearly fought InuYasha, but the latter was too wrapped up with Grim to notice. During the showdown, he did get a chance to face the half-demon, and was winning the fight when Grim pierced him in the back with Thanatos, turning him to vapor.


5. The Enchanted Arrow


Summary: Enchanted arrows are Kikyo's weapon of choice; she uses one to banish Naraku from Billy's house, and another to paralyze Tera Bowser. Link also uses one to pierce Inferno during the battle at Stonehenge; the arrow, alongside Samus's Phazon Beam, is enough to make the dark soul retreat.


6. Sonic the Hedgehog


Summary: Sonic, being the fastest thing alive, was naturally first on the scene when Naraku and his demon armies arrived in Mobius. He was being beaten by Naraku when Captain Falcon knocked the demon king to Earth; after that, he, Shadow, the Captain, and Tails defeated Naraku's remaining troops. Link later contacted him with news of Ganondorf's attempt at double-crossing Inferno. Sonic rose to the occasion magnificently, battling the Darkedge's forces at every one of their stops despite Billy's futile attempts to intervene. During the last showdown at Stonehenge, Sonic easily defeated Bowser with his massive speed, and used the Blue Tornado to drop the Koopa King on top of the Omega Pirate. Super Sonic was one of the key players in the fight against Tera Bowser, constantly distracting the beast so Link and Ganondorf could attack. Tera knocked him out by smashing him with his tail, though.


7. Chaos Emeralds


Summary: Sonic and Shadow used Chaos Control extensively when fighting Naraku early on, and Shadow later ued the technique to aid Nightmare in the attempt to destroy Shadow Moses Island (and the Soul Edge piece inside). During the fight against Tera Bowser, both Sonic and Shadow used the emeralds to achieve their Super forms, greatly enhancing their powers.


8. Shadow the Hedgehog


Summary: Shadow arrived almost immediately when Naraku attacked, but he was losing when Captain Falcon arrived. He fled, accidentally entering a portal to Zebes, where he met Samus Aran. He and the Huntress discovered the cause of the DCN, and traveled to Earth in an attempt to destroy Stonehenge before it was used to restore Inferno's power. They ended up meeting Nightmare instead, who explained Ganondorf's plan. The trio then warded off King Dedede's attempt to steal the Soul Edge piece from Shadow Moses Island, but were unable to act again until the showdown at Stonehenge. Shadow's ability to control time with Chaos Control made him a formidable force, and Super Shadow distracted Tera Bowser so Link and Ganondorf could do the damage, though he was knocked unconscious.


9. Soul Edge - Inferno, Spirit of Blood

NOTE: Apologies for the pic, I'll get a better one up when I find one.


Summary: Inferno is the will of Soul Edge, a demonic, soul-eating sword that can never die. Inferno cut a deal with Ganondorf that he and his underlings would find the shards of Soul Edge, and if the Triforce bearers weren't drawn to his base near Stonehenge before he finished the sword, he'd use Soul Edge to cut him free; together, they'd serve as Active Living Rulers of Saqrundica. He wasn't counting on Ganondorf's double-cross, but he did find out after the battle against Link at the Forsaken Fortress. He planned to betray Ganondorf back, but before he could do that, Link and Zelda had already arrived at Stonehenge and released Ganondorf, along with all the heroes in the DCN. Though he fought valiantly, Link's enchanted arrow combined with Samus's Phazon Beam to defeat him.


10. Ganondorf the Evil Monarch


Summary: Ganondorf was formerly known as the Great King of Evil, but he has since rethought his honor and essentially reformed. When Inferno requested a deal with him, that he'd help find Soul Edge if Inferno released him from the Dark World, he pretended to accept, but immediately warned Link of the terms. When he was released, he played a major part in the Stonehenge confrontation, and was also one of the heavy hitters in the fight against Tera Bowser. He managed to stay long enough to deal the final blow against the great beast.



[spoiler=DCNII: The Pirate Ship Wars]

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[spoiler=DCNIII: Azrdvfk Vreighar]

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Guest Supreme Gamesmaster

Heh. I posted a thread on that, and you seem to have noticed. Magnum opus:

[spoiler=Magnum Opus]

magnum opus


/magnm opss/


• noun (pl. magnum opuses or magna opera) a large and important work of art' date=' music, or literature, especially a person’s most important work.


— ORIGIN Latin, ‘great work’.



mag·num opus Listen to the pronunciation of magnum opus










: a great work; especially : the greatest achievement of an artist or writer



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