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Rituals - What Was The Point?

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Hello fellow TCG Regulars and such.


Today i would like to start a discussion and a Bit** and Moan session regarding Ritual Monsters.


Has anyone ever wondered what the point in them was?


They have to be the most unused Card Type, and have basically no use whatsoever.


The only Ritual i have ever been fond of was 'Shinato', due to the nice card art and overall effect.


Does anyone disagree, and think rituals have a good point to the game?


Or do you agree, that most, if not all, are extremely pointless?



Express your views, or if any are useful, Bit**, Moan, and such!




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Honestly, I don't think that Synchro monsters will affect Ritual monsters too much. Sychros (as mentioned earlier) are just another form of Rituals. Synchros just give another option in the heat of battle.


Synchros, to the best of my knowledge, require the Level of the monsters to be EXACT. Rituals are not bound to this rule. Also, Synchros require Tributes from the FIELD only. Rituals can use monsters on the field AND your hand. Both Rituals and Synchros have good selections. Synchros give you less of a field advantage, where Rituals can give you a hand disadvantage, a field disadvantage, or both. Both have their strentghs and weaknesses.


It may still be too early to take sides. In the long run, it really depends on the player. 8)

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Demise and Ruin are bound to the equal level rule with their Ritual Spell Card (being End of the World) but there are plenty of Level 8 monsters that actually formed a Demise OTK (actually 2 different ones). There is one that involves a powerful Level 8 (such as Blue-Eyes) and one that involves 2 Level 4 Insect-Type Monsters (Insect Knight and Neo Bug in particular) and that made a Doom Dozer focused one. Infernal Gainer gives Demise an additional Attack and makes both OTK's possible. I think there are more cards involved but that's what I remember of the top of my head. This lead to the Limiting of Advanced Ritual Art which hurt Ritual monsters badly as well as the Demise OTK.

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i found lycanthrope to be good in a Gemini heavy and/or normal monster heavy deck, where his special effect can deal OMGWTF damage near the end, and he is a 2400 atk 6 star, so he's an easy summon.


won me a duel all by himself, idiot shouldn't have left his CD in atk mode. and i had 17 monsters in the grave from his milling. 3600 points to the head.

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I built a deck that revolved around ritual monsters in spirit caller...


some how it worked... on the game...


It was pretty fun bringing out Black Luster Soldier by activating Black Luster Ritual and sending another soldier from my hand to the grave


yay, I gotz a Beatstick! A BLUE Beatstick XD

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well, saying that all rituals are useless is, well, stupid but there are plenty of bad rituals, the problem with rituals is the fact that you have to have both the spell and the monster in hand that's why they made the three cards that can search in a ritual heavy deck that is the easiest way. what people miss is the fact that there are other cards the ara that are decent ritual support they have contract with the abyss and ritual raven make dark ritual decks more possible and there are plenty of decent dark rituals. all in all rituals are just in desperate need of support, that's really all it is. saying that they were useless when a deck based solely on a ritual monster pretty much changed the meta in its wake is not correct.

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