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1x cyber dragon

3x des kangaroo

2x big koala

2x giant rat

3x earth hex sealed fusion

3x elemental hero prisma

3x shiba-warrior taro

1x gladiator beast bestari

1x sangan

1x green baboon



1x future fusion

3x wild nature release

3x shrink

3x creature swap

1x monster reborn

1x mystical space typhoon

1x heavy storm

1x giant trunade

1x brain control




2x bottomless trap hole

1x mirror force

1x torrential tribute

3x solem judgement



3x master of oz

1x gladiator beast gyzarus

1x elemental hero wild wingman

1x gaia force of earth

1x colossal fighter

2x thought ruler archfiend

2x red dragon archfiend

2x wildedge

fixes only!

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  • 3 months later...

How consistently does this get him out? I feel like it'd have some problems.


However, I do like some of the things you incorporated. Depending entirely on whether or not you can return Earth Hex-Sealed Fusion back for Gyzarus, that is.


Did you consider Green Baboon? It's great when you can push for OTK with Wild Nature's Release, but they have that one pesky face down that happens to be Roar. End Phase, drop Green Baboon.


No RotA/Stratos?


I also strongly enjoy 3 Decree 1 Torrential as the trap line up, it has worked well for me.

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