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My earth rush deck

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Earth rush deck (43 cards)


Monsters (19)


Exiled force x3

Bazoo the soul eater x3

Giant rat x3

Amazoness swords woman

Neo-spacian grand mole

Gigantes x2

Gemini elf x3

Needle worm

Injection fairy lily

Marauding captain


Spells (10)


Nobleman of crossout

Book of moon

Swords of revealing light


Pot of avarice

Monster reborn

Mystical space typhoon

Heavy storm

Shield crush

Lightening vortex


Traps (14)


Ordeal of a traveler

Blast held by a tribute

Magic drain

Sakuretsu armor x2

Negate attack

Bottomless trap hole

Radiant mirror force

Karma cut

Windstorm of etaqua

Torrential tribute

Magic cylinder

Chaos burst

Dimension wall


Comments welcome and please leave some advice for this deck.

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Why is this in Traditional when there are no banned cards in it?


It's not horrible, but it's not like good either.


Anyway, where's Harpie's Feather Duster, Raigeki, etc.?

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I'm just saying if you're going to post it in Traditional, you might as well use banned cards.


Also, lose Needle Worm and Swords Woman and max out Marauding Captain.

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1x Mirror Force (Very powerful but the drawback is that it isn't chainable which means it can easily be destroyed)

1x Torrential Tribute (Very effective monster destruction)

3x Bottomless Trap Hole

3x Solemn Judgment (Negates almost anything but not good in decks that have a lot of Life Point costs)

3x Dark Bribe (No cost and Spell and Trap Card negation)

3x Threatening Roar (Chainable and very effective against Gladiator Beasts)

3x Waboku (Chainable but, really bad against Gladiator Beasts)

1x Trap Dustshoot (Chainable, but best to use on the first turn)

3x Divine Wrath (Good against any deck except Normal Monster Decks)


Traps should typically be around 6 but can vary depending on strategy.


Pick the combination that you have or can get and use them in the deck. There are some Traps that are good but can only be in certain decks. Keep this in mind.


Examples are Crush Card Virus which can only really be used in decks that have a good number of DARK Monsters that have 1000 or less ATK but in particular Virus Control Decks which can cost a lot to build.


You might also wanna add some good Spells as well. Raigeki, Harpie's Feather Duster, Graceful Charity, Pot of Greed if this is Traditional.

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