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Name: Great Olympian Genesis

Pic, preferably rendered: http://i276.photobucket.com/albums/kk13/.../zezus.jpg (Can I have the throne in the pic too?)

Background Color: I don't know what a render is, but I want the usual background, colored golden Like the Mystic Otaku example pack

Extra Details:


Sort of like the one in my sig, except I want the 6+ years logo and all the extras in your boosters :)


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ok man heres my order i got the render for u so u dpont need to do it


text:Legend of the Magic Warrior

text color:grey


(hey i need the 5ds jap logo)

render:http://i33.tinypic.com/2jcj0jm.png(just take the guy with 2 swords)

text:Legend of the Magic Warrior

text color:grey


(hey i need the 5ds jap logo)

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I still do not understand how you order, and how you receive. Someone told me that I receive my order in a pm. if that is so, do I need to send you specs on my order, do I browse a selection, or what? Thanks for all the messages, please reply soon.

Also, I am wondering if anyone has any tips on how to make good cards, or how for me to start selling my own cards for points. Anyone who helps has my great thanks.

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eleMENTAL hero ethan, those aren't real booster packs! They're images made by me :p

So that means my packs look realistic enough ;)


Restless_Tide, keep only your boosters in your sig please. Others may be offended.



Restless_Tide's order will be done.

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Darkflame Uchiha' date=' I got it from www.yugioh-card.com.

CXCC, your pic was blurry and pixelated, Anyway I found one.




CXCC's order costing 4 points:



Zoc711's orders costing 11 points:



Fairy Night King's order costing 5 points:

Next time, do not order this in the YCMall; do this by PM.



Mas' orders, which are FREE:

Some of your links don't work.




Thank you for ordering ^_^

Tips, reps and credit appreciated ^_^

Where at exactly?

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