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punkinbut Sorry' date=' I cannot use pics made by deviantART artists, please choose another pic :(


For the rest, here are the orders:


[img']http://i34.tinypic.com/rvkrqd.jpg[/img] 20ht269.jpg


can i have the template for the boosters? will pay lots.

lol,if he gave you the spell circle,6+ Years,font,English edition,konami logo,and 9 cards per pack plus the yugioh logo you could sell them and earn back the points you payed for it,lol.

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Hey dude, "the return of Limkregg" or something like that. Is that pic from Dragon Fable or Adventure Quest, because it looks like that kinda art. Just wondering.

You make boosters for people who request it in exchange for points? Thats Sweet. I should probably look for a image and think of a name, not to mention the cards.

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Where in h__l Did you get that background?!


I didn't get you :|


can some1 do my pack plzzz i already posted wat i wanted..


You should be patient' date=' I was offline :|




Here are the orders anyway:


Joethetoe007's order, costing 4 points:




mewthree x's order, cost already paid:




vang911's orders, cost 7 points:




C Master's order, cost 5 points due to additional render,

EDIT: Oops, I forgot to add the 5Ds symbol, is it okay or should I redo it?




PMs sent, hope you like them ^_^

Tips/reps/credit appreciated ^_^

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Hey dude' date=' "the return of Limkragg" or something like that. Is that pic from Dragon Fable or Adventure Quest, because it looks like that kinda art. Just wondering.[hr']

You make boosters for people who request it in exchange for points? Thats Sweet. I should probably look for a image and think of a name, not to mention the cards.

yes it is why

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hey man ur doin a great job thats why i need u to do this

render:http://api.ning.com/files/obb9JhFp5Mg0R3H2ucLvsLd5Ev2hwQ89594*T4qZ5K-bcKgSlbyQL8Pjh7HU8s45L0fp8-1fTnh7JYZTaUz0ySFXt*njsM-T/Minitokyo_Anime_Warrior.jpg(just take the guy with 2 swords)

text:Legend of the Magic Warrior

text color:grey


(hey i need the 5ds jap logo)

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