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{YCMall} Temporarily Closed


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.:: The YCMall ::.


Welcome to the YCMall ^_^

Currently we are selling holos and booster packs.


The shop is currently CLOSED.

Please do not order, thank you. It will be reopened soon.


Rules of the YCMall


• NO spamming/flaming.

• Use the order form for ordering.

• For boosters, you will be notified when your order is filled by PM.

• Max. 3 orders at once, then wait for them to be filled. IMPORTANT

• If you do not supply renders for booster packs, your image should be big enough.. IMPORTANT

• Tips, reps and credit are not necessary but are appreciated.


Booster Packs


1 booster costs 4 points and two cost 7 points.

3 booster packs will cost 10 points.


Name: (name for the pack)

Pic, preferably rendered: (post pic or render here)

Background Color: (color wanted, only if a render is supplied or requested)

Extra Details: (any extra comments, like wanting a 5Ds booster)




Holos are FREE!


Picture of card: (post pic of the card you made)


Examples of work


[spoiler=Booster Packs]





[spoiler=Holo'd cards]10r6zhk.jpg




Happy ordering ^_^

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he's not going to render it' date='you have to render it yourself.



That's really easy, not even a render; just :?: in Arial Black so I might do it ^_^


Here is jamief's order, costs 4 points, the 1 is optional.




Here is magno's order:




good luck with your shop dude


Thanks, but that's spam -_-"

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Extra Details: could you make the pack a pack from 5ds ill pay you double also ill bet this will become a good shop good luck


I could find only a japanese one' date=' I hope you like it ^_^


[b']cameronsdog[/b]'s order, cost 4 points:




mkxxx8, please provide a proper render.

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name:rise of the demi-dragons

pictur http://i291.photobucket.com/albums/ll302/insaneo_worrior/Anime_Knight.jpg

backroud make it red

extra i like the look of the jap 5ds could i get that to?



name;evil kings of judgment




both of you need renders,i can render it for 1 point each,i think,although i was the one who rendered magno's picture.

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Name: Yoshi's Laws

Pic: Any pic of green yoshi, but make sure it is very professional and well-done

Background color: The original background color. If not, Teal Green with a sparkle.

Comments: Make it 5 cards per pack, font should be big but cursive or some fancy lettering, but make sure the cursive or whatever can be read perfectly by a 3rd grader. Thanks,

Yoshi ^_^ If I like it, Ill give you 10 points :D

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Added an example, and Emerald Yoshi's order:

  • 9ay3k9.jpg14wx5dc.jpg

And moneypony, could you please do the render business by PM? Sorry if I am offensive, but it's MY shop and it doesn't seem really right to do the rendering by posting in it.


Thanks in advance, Hope you understand ^_^

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