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The Other Fairy Deck

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Yup. Fairy Synchro. Needs ALOT of work :D


Monsters - 22

3x Herald of Orange Light

3x Athena

2x DLZ

2x Zombiecarrier

2x Counselor Lily

1x The Splendid Venus

3x Bountiful Artemis

3x Nova Summoner

3x Hecatrice


Spells - 10

3x Valhalla

1x MR

1x Prem

2x Trade - in

1x Heavy

1x MST

1x Trunade


Traps - 8

3x Divine Wrath

3x Solemn

2x Bribe


Extra Deck - 15

2x Avenging Knight Parshath

3x Stardust

2x RDA

2x Brionac

2x Goyou

2x Blackrose

2x Nitro Warrior

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