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I saw you try'na act cute on TV, just let me clear the air [Wicket02]


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The Wicket02 Imposter was banned, permanently. Since none of the Ips matched, I have released his/her email in the Rep Complaint thread, please check it too see if you recognise it (I don't think it's real, but it's worth a try). Also, redirect any rep complaints to the same thread.

Thank you for your help, Frunk.

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There is nothing to suggest this was Jack, it had no matching IPs. Even if he did hide it, why didn't he hide it the second time, Jack_Thompson is _Chaoserver, IPs match, so why, if Jack was Imposter02 didn't he;

a). Block out the IP for _Chaoserver

b). He wasn't smart enough to name _Chaoserver 'chaoserver', unlike Imposter02.


P.S. Note: _Chaoserver has been permanently banned.

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