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This is my deck, with a few changes to meet the new format, that I used to beat many decks, including a Monarch deck back when you were allowed to have three Cyber Dragons and Raiza. My original CC deck (made November 2007), with the rest of my decks, can be found here: http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/showthread.php?tid=15885


This is my newer deck, I think it still has as much potential as it did back then:


Clown Control Deck!

Monsters: 16

Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV6 x2

Dream Clown x3

Blade Rabbit x3

Giant Rat x2

Exiled Force x2

Don Zaloog x2

Snipe Hunter



Spells: 16

Stumbling x3

Earthquake x3

Messenger of Peace x2

Pot of Avarice x2

Reinforcements of the Army x2

Premature Burial

Mystical Space Typhoon

Monster Reborn

Swords of Revealing Light


Traps: 8

Tragedy x2

Solemn Judgement x2

The Transmigration Prophecy

Magic Drain

Torrential Tribute


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Yeah, Cliff is a bit strange, but the idea came to me when thinking of S/T removal. I came up with the idea of Horus in this deck though; he's not affected by Spells, including your own Stumblings and Earthquakes, making him invaluable. And for the record, you do NOT need LV4 to summon LV6. Horus LV6 is the whole reason I didn't use Labyrinth or Zero Gravity, though if I did, I would have opted for Jinzo instead.


I'll take out Cliff if any of you have a better idea, and Gravity Axe too, since I misread its ruling.

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The opponent's monsters usually wouldn't be in Attack position, and even Micro Ray would work better. But I don't need neither, because what ever Shrink can do, Exiled Force, Dream Clown, Blade Rabbit, ect., can do better. I need S/T removal, because the opponent might have some really anoying card like Wave-Motion Cannon or Destiny Board (taking that anybody still uses it), not more monster removal help.

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