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If you were invisible, what would you do?


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I would scare:

GoogleBot, Yahoo! Slurp, Ask Jeeves, MSN Search, 001, 1240990, a7xmonkey95, Acelancer, Aeon, Alexkun, Alienx, angel_of_darkness, angel_vista08, Arossaxor, ASH16, Aximil, Azuh, 「κδㄨ」, BigSky, blackblade, Bloodrun, Bloody M of Hell, BlueKyubbi, BooBooMalz, Bringer Of The Apocalypse, C Master, card-master21, cardmaker6, CardMaster881, chaos_demon, Chaos_Remix, Col.Beowulf, csaman3, cyberdudelol, darkmaster213456, darthminimal, Death Metal, deideichan01, DeMeNTeD, derekmaynard, diech10, Divinity, dmx3004, domsjungejive, Dr. 23, Dragonzord, Dresda, Duelist_King_Ryan, Emerald Yoshi, Emily_Konichi, Fairy Knight King, FASTERYET, FFXFAN21, Fishboyjg, FM6, francopiro09, frogg987, frohawkmaster, Funk*Lord, fuzzyantz, fuzzyvonstrangle, Glorious eXcess, God_95, gothicdario, Hakuro de Killer, hawke525, HeroVince, Hiriko, Icyblue, ilikelasers1, ILikePoo, Jaden54, Jogann, josephfry97, joseph_downe, julirengifo, K.B. strategist, KA Flame, Kale, keymakr, koeipope, Kyroid, Manofthegate, masterofpikmin, mech_ninebreaker, megaman101, mevkok, Mike2084, mnkychz, moneypony, Mude, narutofreak, Obi-wan Cannoli, Pieman22, Poc, Proto, Raviel Priest WYHE, rax_7, RealityIce, redchris20, rsblog, Sangjin3003, SeiyamaruSisco, Shinigami™, shiny_saima, shogunboy, ShurikenNinja1, Sic_Nic, SOS Haruhi, sportsplayer627, starwarsucks, tenman, teppo, texeira, The Marine of Korhal, The True Silent Swordsman, theodore214, The_Prince_of_Death, tonisanoob, toothpick818, Triple Q, Void, walnut, Welche, WhiteFang29, WoW Maker, Xemba, XxXYamiRulzXxX, yojimbosoul, Youko-San, YukinoTenshi, zombiepromking

Since I have nothing better to do.

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I would scare:

GoogleBot' date=' Yahoo! Slurp, Ask Jeeves, MSN Search, 001, 1240990, a7xmonkey95, Acelancer, Aeon, Alexkun, Alienx, angel_of_darkness, angel_vista08, Arossaxor, ASH16, Aximil, Azuh, 「κδㄨ」, BigSky, blackblade, Bloodrun, Bloody M of Hell, BlueKyubbi, BooBooMalz, Bringer Of The Apocalypse, C Master, card-master21, cardmaker6, CardMaster881, chaos_demon, Chaos_Remix, Col.Beowulf, csaman3, cyberdudelol, darkmaster213456, darthminimal, Death Metal, deideichan01, DeMeNTeD, derekmaynard, diech10, Divinity, dmx3004, domsjungejive, Dr. 23, Dragonzord, Dresda, Duelist_King_Ryan, Emerald Yoshi, Emily_Konichi, Fairy Knight King, FASTERYET, FFXFAN21, Fishboyjg, FM6, francopiro09, frogg987, frohawkmaster, Funk*Lord, fuzzyantz, fuzzyvonstrangle, Glorious eXcess, God_95, gothicdario, Hakuro de Killer, hawke525, HeroVince, Hiriko, Icyblue, ilikelasers1, ILikePoo, Jaden54, Jogann, josephfry97, joseph_downe, julirengifo, K.B. strategist, KA Flame, Kale, keymakr, koeipope, Kyroid, Manofthegate, masterofpikmin, mech_ninebreaker, megaman101, mevkok, Mike2084, mnkychz, moneypony, Mude, narutofreak, Obi-wan Cannoli, Pieman22, Poc, Proto, Raviel Priest WYHE, rax_7, RealityIce, redchris20, rsblog, Sangjin3003, SeiyamaruSisco, Shinigami™, shiny_saima, shogunboy, ShurikenNinja1, Sic_Nic, SOS Haruhi, sportsplayer627, starwarsucks, tenman, teppo, texeira, The Marine of Korhal, theodore214, The_Prince_of_Death, tonisanoob, toothpick818, Triple Q, Void, walnut, Welche, WhiteFang29, WoW Maker, Xemba, XxXYamiRulzXxX, yojimbosoul, Youko-San, YukinoTenshi, zombiepromking

Since I have nothing better to do.



There that's better.

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I would scare:

GoogleBot' date=' Yahoo! Slurp, Ask Jeeves, MSN Search, 001, 1240990, a7xmonkey95, Acelancer, Aeon, Alexkun, Alienx, angel_of_darkness, angel_vista08, Arossaxor, ASH16, Aximil, Azuh, 「κδㄨ」, BigSky, blackblade, Bloodrun, Bloody M of Hell, BlueKyubbi, BooBooMalz, Bringer Of The Apocalypse, C Master, card-master21, cardmaker6, CardMaster881, chaos_demon, Chaos_Remix, Col.Beowulf, csaman3, cyberdudelol, darkmaster213456, darthminimal, Death Metal, deideichan01, DeMeNTeD, derekmaynard, diech10, Divinity, dmx3004, domsjungejive, Dr. 23, Dragonzord, Dresda, Duelist_King_Ryan, Emerald Yoshi, Emily_Konichi, Fairy Knight King, FASTERYET, FFXFAN21, Fishboyjg, FM6, francopiro09, frogg987, frohawkmaster, Funk*Lord, fuzzyantz, fuzzyvonstrangle, Glorious eXcess, God_95, gothicdario, Hakuro de Killer, hawke525, HeroVince, Hiriko, Icyblue, ilikelasers1, ILikePoo, Jaden54, Jogann, josephfry97, joseph_downe, julirengifo, K.B. strategist, KA Flame, Kale, keymakr, koeipope, Kyroid, Manofthegate, masterofpikmin, mech_ninebreaker, megaman101, mevkok, Mike2084, mnkychz, moneypony, Mude, narutofreak, Obi-wan Cannoli, Pieman22, Poc, Proto, Raviel Priest WYHE, rax_7, RealityIce, redchris20, rsblog, Sangjin3003, SeiyamaruSisco, Shinigami™, shiny_saima, shogunboy, ShurikenNinja1, Sic_Nic, SOS Haruhi, sportsplayer627, starwarsucks, tenman, teppo, texeira, The Marine of Korhal, theodore214, The_Prince_of_Death, tonisanoob, toothpick818, Triple Q, Void, walnut, Welche, WhiteFang29, WoW Maker, Xemba, XxXYamiRulzXxX, yojimbosoul, Youko-San, YukinoTenshi, zombiepromking

Since I have nothing better to do.



There that's better.


You're not there becuase...umm...I already got you down...HISS!!

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I would scare:

GoogleBot' date=' Yahoo! Slurp, Ask Jeeves, MSN Search, 001, 1240990, a7xmonkey95, Acelancer, Aeon, Alexkun, Alienx, angel_of_darkness, angel_vista08, Arossaxor, ASH16, Aximil, Azuh, 「κδㄨ」, BigSky, blackblade, Bloodrun, Bloody M of Hell, BlueKyubbi, BooBooMalz, Bringer Of The Apocalypse, C Master, card-master21, cardmaker6, CardMaster881, chaos_demon, Chaos_Remix, Col.Beowulf, csaman3, cyberdudelol, darkmaster213456, darthminimal, Death Metal, deideichan01, DeMeNTeD, derekmaynard, diech10, Divinity, dmx3004, domsjungejive, Dr. 23, Dragonzord, Dresda, Duelist_King_Ryan, Emerald Yoshi, Emily_Konichi, Fairy Knight King, FASTERYET, FFXFAN21, Fishboyjg, FM6, francopiro09, frogg987, frohawkmaster, Funk*Lord, fuzzyantz, fuzzyvonstrangle, Glorious eXcess, God_95, gothicdario, Hakuro de Killer, hawke525, HeroVince, Hiriko, Icyblue, ilikelasers1, ILikePoo, Jaden54, Jogann, josephfry97, joseph_downe, julirengifo, K.B. strategist, KA Flame, Kale, keymakr, koeipope, Kyroid, Manofthegate, masterofpikmin, mech_ninebreaker, megaman101, mevkok, Mike2084, mnkychz, moneypony, Mude, narutofreak, [b']Obi-wan Cannoli[/b], Pieman22, Poc, Proto, Raviel Priest WYHE, rax_7, RealityIce, redchris20, rsblog, Sangjin3003, SeiyamaruSisco, Shinigami™, shiny_saima, shogunboy, ShurikenNinja1, Sic_Nic, SOS Haruhi, sportsplayer627, starwarsucks, tenman, teppo, texeira, The Marine of Korhal, The True Silent Swordsman, theodore214, The_Prince_of_Death, tonisanoob, toothpick818, Triple Q, Void, walnut, Welche, WhiteFang29, WoW Maker, Xemba, XxXYamiRulzXxX, yojimbosoul, Youko-San, YukinoTenshi, zombiepromking

Since I have nothing better to do.


(guess what I would do)

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I would scare:



I'm impossible to scare, I lost all fear when my pets were killed the same day they were taken away.(10 cats, also I won't be able to get anymore pets in the future since I can't stand it when animals die eventhough I can bare the pain and suffering.)


anyway i would do what proto said, and also scare anyone I hate.(no one on this site)

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I would scare:

GoogleBot' date=' Yahoo! Slurp, Ask Jeeves, MSN Search, 001, 1240990, a7xmonkey95, Acelancer, Aeon, Alexkun, Alienx, angel_of_darkness, angel_vista08, Arossaxor, ASH16, Aximil, Azuh, 「κδㄨ」, BigSky, blackblade, Bloodrun, Bloody M of Hell, BlueKyubbi, BooBooMalz, Bringer Of The Apocalypse, C Master, card-master21, cardmaker6, CardMaster881, chaos_demon, Chaos_Remix, Col.Beowulf, csaman3, cyberdudelol, darkmaster213456, darthminimal, Death Metal, deideichan01, DeMeNTeD, derekmaynard, diech10, Divinity, dmx3004, domsjungejive, Dr. 23, Dragonzord, Dresda, Duelist_King_Ryan, Emerald Yoshi, Emily_Konichi, Fairy Knight King, FASTERYET, FFXFAN21, Fishboyjg, FM6, francopiro09, frogg987, frohawkmaster, Funk*Lord, fuzzyantz, fuzzyvonstrangle, Glorious eXcess, God_95, gothicdario, Hakuro de Killer, hawke525, HeroVince, Hiriko, Icyblue, ilikelasers1, ILikePoo, Jaden54, Jogann, josephfry97, joseph_downe, julirengifo, K.B. strategist, KA Flame, Kale, keymakr, koeipope, Kyroid, Manofthegate, masterofpikmin, mech_ninebreaker, megaman101, mevkok, Mike2084, mnkychz, moneypony, Mude, narutofreak, Obi-wan Cannoli, Pieman22, Poc, Proto, Raviel Priest WYHE, rax_7, RealityIce, redchris20, rsblog, Sangjin3003, SeiyamaruSisco, Shinigami™, shiny_saima, shogunboy, ShurikenNinja1, Sic_Nic, SOS Haruhi, sportsplayer627, starwarsucks, tenman, teppo, texeira, The Marine of Korhal, theodore214, The_Prince_of_Death, tonisanoob, toothpick818, Triple Q, Void, walnut, Welche, WhiteFang29, WoW Maker, Xemba, XxXYamiRulzXxX, yojimbosoul, Youko-San, YukinoTenshi, zombiepromking

Since I have nothing better to do.



There that's better.


You're not there becuase...umm...I already got you down...HISS!!


When? That's my question.

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I'd steal stuff who's gonna stop a floating wii?


Mii (ME)


you mean you wouldn't be in total shock upon the sight of a floating wii?


I'd steal stuff who's gonna stop a floating wii?



The Ghost Busters.

uhh its called floating golf club...........................

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I'd steal stuff who's gonna stop a floating wii?


Mii (ME)


you mean you wouldn't be in total shock upon the sight of a floating wii?


I'd steal stuff who's gonna stop a floating wii?



The Ghost Busters.

uhh its called floating golf club...........................


nope I would steal it and pay 25% of the total price to the store, and then sell it on Ebay.

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