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Faveorite Dance?


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Oh um I'll list a bit:


[align=center]The Robot

The worm

Side Glide


The bodywave

Coffee Grinder

Baby Freeze

Turtle Freeze[/align]


And Number 1 Dance of the 8 years!!!!!!! *Drum Roll*




I think thats what you mean like dances or moves but if I'm wrong then Breakdance is the Dance XD

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The dance of death.


This is how you do it; as the follows;


Commence to putting thine left foot in

Commence to pulling thine left foot out

Commence to putting thine right foot in

Now thou must shaketh it all about

Now stab the person nearest to you

Now commence to doing the "Hokey pokey" and turning thou self around



That's what it's all about.

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