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Outlawing Reps as Bribes.


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One suggestion I want to bring up is stopping people using Reps as Bribes to encourage people to join thier Clubs, Organizations, Rating Cards & Fan Fics Etc. With Clubs the people join up, get thier free Rep and never post in there again. I'm asking that No Reps can be offered.

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then there comes the problem that some people would never have their threads even looked at.


i have had to do this on several of my posts, bust to get people to click on it.


it isnt fair really..


that is why i also made details on how to get one, in this case a coupon for my store.


it is a good idea though, i second.


but it just wouldnt be fair to some who have no other way of getting their threads viewed...

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then there comes the problem that some people would never have their threads even looked at.


i have had to do this on several of my posts' date=' bust to get people to click on it.


it isnt fair really..


that is why i also made details on how to get one, in this case a coupon for my store.


it is a good idea though, i second.


but it just wouldnt be fair to some who have no other way of getting their threads viewed...



I agree with Kale.


I have had to do it once or twice. But it gets my thread more popular and looked at.


Though, I do hate it when members just post one word comments, just because they want a rep.

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reps don't mean a s***...


but we aren't discussing there removal now...


i'm thinking of a petition' date=' whoever wants to sign it tell me and i'll add it in the YCMagazine and hopefully that would get attention.... just say i support and sign my name in...



And where may this be?

I'll sign.

Yeah...it's true.

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if the leader of the club decides to give reps' date=' then they can.

they are still within the rules of offering a rep for joiners.

anything more like:

1 rep to the person to post 10 times.

or something like that, would be against the rules...



nope, a better thing would be is "1 rep for joining and being an active member" and when they're active they get the rep cause it rewarding not unconciously bribing the person into joining with the 1 rep profit in mind...

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