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Zombies in Progress


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This deck is not complete, because I still need Il Blud, 1 Goblin Zombie, 3 Solemn Judgment, 3 Mezuki. I am getting Il Blud, another Goblin Zombie, and at least 1 Mezuki later today, so I will update.


3 Ryu Kokki

2 Cyber Dragon

3 Zombie Master

3 Pyramid Turtle

2 Goblin Zombie

2 Giant Rat

1 Sangan

1 Spirit Reaper

1 Card Trooper


3 Card of Safe Return

3 Book of Life

1 Monster Reborn

1 Premature Burial

1 Heavy Storm


2 Cold Wave

1 Creature Swap

2 Book of Moon

1 Brain Control

2 Hammer Shot


2 Dust Tornado

1 Mirror Force

1 Torrential Tribute




3 Kinetic Soldier

2 Shrink

3 Pulling the Rug

2 Phoenix Wing Wind Blast

1 Royal Decree

2 Divine Wrath

1 Trap Dustshoot

1 Mind Crush

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-2 hammer shots

-2 giant rats

+2 Il bluds

+2 Mezukies


- card trooper

+2 foolish burial


-1 ryo kooki

-2 Cyber dragon

+1 Goblin zombie

+2 Bottomless trap hole


This also needs solmn judgment I can't see what to take out though.


I assume you didn't actually read the part in my original post about me not having Mezuki, Il Blud, or a third Goblin Zombie, and no Solemn Judgments.

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Woah, Horus? Are you the same person as the original HORUS? If you are, awsome! Long time no read.


I agree with KornKing except for the -1 Card Trooper. Sorry, but that's just riddiculous; Card Trooper is nearly a staple in EVERY deck, and not to include him in here is unexceptable. Those three cards could all be Il Bluds, Ryu Kokkis, and Mezukis, and what about the extra card he gets for you?


I don't know what's up with Cold Wave appearing every where; it's a card that my neighbor has and doesn't even bother to put in his E-Hero deck, and got no attention from it's release in Pharaoh's Servant until now. Is it the new Giant Trunade? Here are my suggestions:


+2 Il Blud

+3 Mezuki

+1 Goblin Zombie


-1 Ryu Kokki (2 is enough; you can search it from the deck or grave anytime)

-2 Hammer Shot (Book of Moon is better at that)

-2 Giant Rat (3 Goblin Zombies make up for this)

-1 Other card (Dust Tornado? Creature Swap?)


Try not to go overboard with Zombies and get too much card advantage. Things work out best when you keep them simple, and it is okay to sacrifice a monster here and there for an Il Blud, rather than waiting for a Brain Control or Pyramid Turtle, since you're going to revive them anyways. And most importantly, don't let your deck run out of cards!

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Woah' date=' Horus? Are you the same person as the original HORUS? If you are, awsome! Long time no read.


I agree with KornKing except for the -1 Card Trooper. Sorry, but that's just riddiculous; Card Trooper is nearly a staple in EVERY deck, and not to include him in here is unexceptable. Those three cards could all be Il Bluds, Ryu Kokkis, and Mezukis, and what about the extra card he gets for you?


I don't know what's up with Cold Wave appearing every where; it's a card that my neighbor has and doesn't even bother to put in his E-Hero deck, and got no attention from it's release in Pharaoh's Servant until now. Is it the new Giant Trunade? Here are my suggestions:


+2 Il Blud

+3 Mezuki

+1 Goblin Zombie


-1 Ryu Kokki (2 is enough; you can search it from the deck or grave anytime)

-2 Hammer Shot (Book of Moon is better at that)

-2 Giant Rat (3 Goblin Zombies make up for this)

-1 Other card (Dust Tornado? Creature Swap?)


Try not to go overboard with Zombies and get too much card advantage. Things work out best when you keep them simple, and it is okay to sacrifice a monster here and there for an Il Blud, rather than waiting for a Brain Control or Pyramid Turtle, since you're going to revive them anyways. And most importantly, don't let your deck run out of cards!



Good to see you again, man. I noticed a post by you earlier but didn't respond to it.


Those are similar to the changes I will make once I get the Il Blud, 3 Mezuki, and Goblin Zombie, but I'll only be running 1 Il Blud. I'm working on getting Solemns as well.



I don't like the 1 Creature Swap thing.


I like having 1 Creature Swap.

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I like having 1 Creature Swap.


Ah, you may like it, but that doesn't mean it's going to help the Deck.


Having only 1 Creature Swap in a Deck that runs 3 Pyramid Turtle and should run 3 Goblin Zombie is a bad move.

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