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Infinite Mass Driver Loop [#3]


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Dark Magician of Chaos + Dimension Distortion + Mass Driver


This was gotten from one of my magazines.


This combo has been posted by me before, but this time I'll give a more detailed description.


This combo is pretty hard to pull off. Since Dimension Distortion only works if there is no cards in your grave, I would probably suggest Dimensional Fissure and only using Monsters as tributes for DMoC.


Normal Summon DMoC. Then activate Mass Driver, Tribute DMoC. DMoC is removed from play by it's own effect. Activate Dimension Distortion. Special Summon DMoC. Get back Dimension Distortion with DMoC's effect.


Repeat until you win.



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Hey wait a minute!


It seemz like you just invented a new OTK.


Pretty much all Mass Driver Loops are the same.



[DISCLAIMER: I do not own this picture. It's was drawn and animated by Egoraptor. I only applied the text "O WAT!?!" to this picture using MS Paint.]




We invent OTK's everyday, but I got this from one of my old magazines.

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