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The Best Football/Soccer Player Card


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I'm a new member and I olny started a few minutes ago :) but I decided to create a football (Soccer) Card, my favourite Paul Scholes. Then I went on the forums to post it and I found this forum.

Try to make it realistic as possible (I slighty went O.T.T with Scholes' stats, I'm making a proper one soon) and base it on there position and skill. If they play for Defense you expect there Defense to be high. Same with Attack , you excpect there ATK to be high.

In Mid there ATK and DEF should be balanced*.

There are 3 Categories:





Here's Scholes ( Rememba this is just a joke version of his card soon I'm making the proper one to put on here! Thanks.







Try to make your card match one of these Categories.




*On an Average Player that plays well for there position. If you think there gifted raise there stats.


Lol now I know how to make prizes here they are:

Of Each Category:

Winner: 3 rep

Runner-Up: 2 rep

3rd Place: 1 rep


Now I don't no much about reputation too lol, I'm guessing that these should be the Prizes.

PLease tell me if Im mad or not, lol!

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3a. You can donate points by going to a player's profile, and by their point count, will be a link saying "[Donate.]" Click here, and you can donate the points. Alternatively, in a player's post, you can simply click the number of points they have and donate from there.


3b. You can donate reps by going to a player's reputation, and clicking "Rate User"

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my soccer cards

i have made these ages ago and have others these are the first 4

allstar striker

allstar midfielder

allstar defender

allstar captain



others coming soon i will send them to anyone who sends a pm to me wil get them as soon as possible thanks for your time


card 1.bmp (Size: 481.5 KB / Downloads: 0)


card 2.bmp (Size: 481.5 KB / Downloads: 0)


card 3.bmp (Size: 481.5 KB / Downloads: 0)


card 9.bmp (Size: 481.5 KB / Downloads: 0)



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