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so um, heres a synchro card, tell me what ya think, and rate and feedback and stuff, huh!


Enraged Turtle Shark


[Aqua / Synchro / Effect]

2 tuner monsters + 1 or more WATER non-tuner monster(s)

This card cannot be special summoned from the graveyard. When this card is special summoned, if there is not another WATER type monster on your side of the field, this card is destroyed. Every standby phase, send the top card of your deck to the graveyard (this is not optional). As long as there is another Aqua-type monster on your side of the field, this card cannot be targeted by card effects. All face up WATER monsters gain 300 ATK and DEF. By sending the top five cards from your deck to the graveyard, destroy all cards on the field. You and your opponent take damage equal to destroyed cards X200. If this card is changed to face up defense position, it is destroyed and the controller takes 1000 points of damage to their life points. This card cannot attack your opponent directly.

ATK/ 3750 DEF/ 0

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