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Judai 3 and Johan Duelist Packs

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This Spring, in like october i think, They are releasing two new duelist packs, Judai 3 and Johan. Any ideas of what cards will be in em?


I'll try and get pics after.

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idk. but it was in the anime when johan turned evil. plus, its a good chance they'll put rainbow in there. it would completly lower its value tho.......

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Yea. I wanted Cyber End. Then, a few weeks ago i bought like 15 zane packs with my friend, and got like 4 cyber ends, 2 chimeratech, plus infernal dragon.

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the only DP cards that are even worth it are these.


Card Trooper-don't have it, but want one

Malicious-Have 1

Armed Lvl.10-dont have

Destiny Draw-Dont have


Malicious to me is only good for trade, i dont really like it.

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I don't have any sneak's where I live. But personally, I would trade it for somethin like Mirror Force, Solemn Judgment, Airknight Parshath ,or the other card I'm lookin for, E-Hero Cpt. Gold

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really, is that really a trade worth doing? do you know how hard airknight is to get. I'm not sure if I can trade, but i have 1500+ cards, lots of UR, so IDK. If i can, ill put up a list. Im sure i have lots of cards u want./

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I don't value it much, cause I just don't think it's all that good. But, that's my opinion. Personally, I have much better cards like a mint Legendary Fisherman UR and mint winged kuriboh lvl 10 UR, not to mention sapphire pegasus UR

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I say personally fisherman is valuable not only because that pack is hard to find....but because i traded away like 3 of my best cards 2 get it....:(


I would trade malicious for almost any UR as LONG AS it's not from a tin/game/promo. like one from a pack only!

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