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Limited Edition Dark Gods (Complete SET of 4)


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Finally i finish my set...i edit the picture so i can be look darker...i hope you like it.




This card cannot be Normal Summon or Set. This card cannot be Special Summon except by tributing 5 monsters cards with different name from your side of the field. Increase the ATK and DEF of this monster by 1000 points for each card in your hand. By removing one card from your hand you may activate one of the following effect:

1) Negate one card effect.

2) Destroy one card on the field.



This card cannot be Normal Summon or Set. This card cannot be Special Summon except by tributing 5 monsters cards with different name from your side of the field. Pay 4000 Life Points to inflict 4000 points of damage to your opponent's. if you can't pay, tribute this card instead.



This card cannot be Normal Summon or Set. This card cannot be Special Summon except by tributing 5 monsters cards with different name from your side of the field. Reduce your Life Point to 1. The ATK and DEF of this monster became the same amount reduce to 1. A monster destroyed by battle with this monster is remove from play. When this card is destroyed and sent to the graveyard, your Life Point become 8000 points.



This card cannot be Normal Summon or Set. This card cannot be Special Summon except by tributing "The Dark Slifer", "The Dark Obelisk", "The Dark Ra" and 2 Dark type with different name. As long this card ramin face up on the field, all cards effects are nagated.

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