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Team Deoxes Rage

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We should make our own forum.


it would be much ebtter than having just a thread.

I have my own forum where you can talk about it click on the link in my sig


What about a Deoxys card contest.

Ill think about it




The forum needs alot of work :/


And your not allowed to advertise.

op :runs to change sig : illl be back and mabey you can help me on it



I can help you with it.


It'll be easy.

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ok, well here is my entry :D


[spoiler=click for effect]When this card is Special Summoned, you can pay 1000 Life Points to activate one the following effects:

*Increase the ATK of this card by 800 until the end of your Battle Phase. If you activate this effect, no other monster that you control can attack.

*Increase the DEF of this card by 800 until the end of your opponent's Battle Phase

*By decreasing this card's ATK by 500, this monster can attack twice during the same battle phase.


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