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Underground Stealth Agent


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My thoughts:


1- Use tags next time. I will explain how later.

2- Stats are too high and effect is overpowering.

3- OCG needs serious work. I suggest looking at DJ Osiris' OCG Thread for helpful pointers.

4- Cool image, but you NEED a disclaimer for your art. The mods WILL get you for this.


Overall - 7.8/10 since you are new and seem to know what you are doing. If you follow my advice, you will become a Master Card Maker in no time. :D


To use tags, first make your card as normal. When you are finished, click on the card. Some text should appear below the card itself. Copy this text and paste it in the thread. The card should appear. If you need additional help with anything, PM me and I will help you if I can.

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Rating: 6.8/10



-It isn't necessry to capitalize every word

-Put more thought into the name

-Find a better picture (My opinion)

-Make the effect about it having to attack if possible clearer (Things how many times it attacks or what it attacks)

-A little over-powered

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