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My thoughts:


1- Use tags next time. I mentioned how below.

2- WAY overpowered for a Vanilla monster. "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" is strongest Vanilla at 3000 ATK and needs to stay that way...

3- Lower its ATK, DEF, and Level. Try not to make monsters with over 10 Stars.

4- Change its type to Machine. Divine-Beasts are not smiled upon.

5- Give it a different Attribute. Again, Divine doesn't really float.

6- Try giving it an effect. Most people here don't like Vanillas.

7- Good image.

8- Need a disclaimer. The mods WILL get you for this.


Overall, about a 6/10 mostly because you are new. :D

(I'm not trying to come down on you, I just want to make sure you can make better cards by giving friendly advice.)


To use tags, first make your card. When it is finished, click on it and text should appear below the card. Copy this text and paste it in a thread. The card should appear after that. :D

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Well, seeing as thou ur new, I'd give it about 7.6/10.

Heres some instructions on how to get the pictures up:


1- Save the card that you want to show to some random folder of yours.

2- Use TinyPic.com to browse for the same item you wanted

3- Change the size so it shows Message Board

4- Upload it and wait

5- copy the second one down

6- Go onto the thread you want to post your card in and paste it in the reply box.


When you clik "Post Reply" you shuld see the card u wanted.

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Hey, forgot all those stupid rules man. If it's your custom card, don't listen to them... I think it's great. 5/5. Keep working. Maybe you can do an EVA, or something like that? And BTW, just plain old cards w/ no effect are my favorite anyway : ) Not every card has to fit the exact specifications to fit in a deck...

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