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>> August Contest 1 - Synchro Madness <<

Junk Raver

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Well' date=' I too am one of the people who made the 4 star Tuner(oops). Other than that, DJ, could I get a critique as well? ;)


Update: D.D. Scorpion is now a 2 Star. ;)



I like your cards however these are the reasons they were downrated:




1. Level 4 Tuner

2. Low stats for the Level 4

3. Effect is basic

4. not the best image, the actual scorpion is about 1/20th of the full image.




1. OCG errors.

2. Most D.D. cards, or quite afew, have effects that activate when they are removed from play, the synchro's effect can be seen has overpowered, as it has an ATK increase as well as activating the other monsters effects.



' pid='928854' dateline='1218137436']

I'd like the Criticism on mine as well' date=' unless you're too busy.


Hey, I made the 0-star Tuner.





The point of a Tuner monster is to use it in a synchro summon, its not entirely useful with a 0 Level, it means getting rid of more monsters to Synchro Summon.


Effect is far too basic.





It just didnt seem creative, a basic effect.

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