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Case Closed


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There has been a Mass Murder at a hotel down in California, and 5 people were killed. No one knows the face of the Murderer, but police suspect that he is still in the Hotel hiding, cause 4 more kills were reported after the first 5. So the Hotel Manager called in the DNIS (Death Note Investigation Squadron) and have them take a look at this case




1. Only people from the Death Note Investigation Squadron can participate in this RP.


2. You must give your "Detective" a name.


3. 40 points will be given to everyone who participates in this RP. (Points in the club)


4. As always, RP rules apply here.


5. Mild Flaming, "Damn, crap etc."



1. Tykoio Hamilo

2. Hyoma Zeros

3. FM6

4. Mikiro Myojin

5. Dustin Erad

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As the Hotel Manager opened the door. "No, we are not. But we would like to find them before they are."


Tykoio: Ok, is this the room we will be staying at?



"Yes there are 6 beds 1 for each of you. Unpack your equipment and gadgets and get them set up."

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"As I said, Gun shootings on most of them, and the rest of the people were taken away with him. So we are guessing that there are bodies or hostagesheld all over the Hotel, 6 to exact."


OOC: Yeah, but all of us are going to do work on the computers.

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