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Personal Ideas- FFVIII (8)- (Pics Updated)


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[align=center]OK. I have decided that I will Post My Own Ideas for an FF8 Card Set. I have not completed it, so I decided it would be best to place the examples in this section. Please, If this is not the right place, move this thread for me to the correct place. =]




I know these are not the best. But if someone could put input. I would be glad.

Here They are.























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~lol~ I know. =] I am still working on them. Sometimes, finding a good picture is difficult though... =]





3 new cards added.


~Cactuar- Summon

~1,000 Needles- Cactuar

~1,000 Needles- Hundred Needles

(based on the item that allows the ability: "Return Damage")

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  • 4 weeks later...

Added 1 New Card:


Chicobo- Phoenix Edition

A nice powerful card that you can only use in tight situations.


Effect: You can only activate this card if you have 100 or fewer LP. Count up how many cards in the game have "FF8" in their serial number(Most of my monsters have "FF8" in them). Multiply that number by 100. Destroy any monsters on all of your opponent's fields that have less then this number. Then take this number and lower all remaining monsters on the fields DEF by it. Deal HALF of this number as direct damage to all of your opponent's LP. Multiply this new number by how many times this card affected a monster, or LP, and multiply it by 2. Add this number to your LP.



Example. I have 12 cards with "ff8" in serial.


12x100= 1200. All monsters on enemy field with less than that are destroyed. Let's say i kill 1 monster. Any remaining get -1200 DEF.

Let's say 5 monsters get this effect.

Enemy get's 600 LP damage.

This cards effect got used on 6 monsters and a player. so, 600x7=4200x2=

8400 LP Bonus! =] ~lol~


Let's see a full effect: 120x100=12,000

It's safe to say all monster's are destroyed. Let's say that's 1 monster.

Player get's 6,000 Damage.

that's 2 effects.

You get +12,000 LP.

Kinda cheap, I know. But hey, everyone loves an advantage when your about to lose. =]

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  • 2 weeks later...

I thought it all made sense.

And technically , "Summon" is a type. but if your being "Yu-Gi-Oh" specific, what type should they be? I already marked them as rituals.

And I am horrible with pictures. I am going to go back and fix all the word errors, it will just take time. I don't have much ttime to spend here.

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