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Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive

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Dekoichi is good. Gladiator Beast's dominance makes it far more likely for a monster to be attacked in battle, as their tag-out effects depend on it.


Also, it isn't that rare for a face-down monster to go untouched for a turn if your opponent has other targets on your side of the field to deal with. Flipping and tributing isn't that hard to pull off.

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wich is why u find ryko a litlle over rated, i mean sure if its attaced its a onr for one but you target a s/t and its gonna be chained to, then it becomes no better than man eater bug


i mean sure flipping and tribbing in a perfect world is great but chances are it will never happen

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well there is MUCH better alternatives


and you kno it


there is a reason why flips are bad


Lol, you're right.


The card sucks, and that's why pros use it.


How is it bad? It's a +1, and you can Tribute it for a Monarch or Prime Material Dragon. Plus, like The Dark One said, Gladiator Beasts sort of rely on attacking for the tag-out strategy, so there's a good chance that it might get attacked.


Not to mention, it's a DARK monster, and you can remove it for Allure of Darkness or Tribute it for Darklord Zerato.


Please explain how this card is bad.

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What's a better alternative to a monster that gives you draws and isn't screwed by Oppression? Card Trooper is limited. Disk Commander is limited and is screwed by Oppression. Cyber Phoenix has to be face-up and destroyed by battle.


Why are flips so bad if they're the core of PACMAN and Cornarchs?


EDIT: For once I agree with Star over something in the TCG.

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flips are slow and gb bait epic bait


this is precisly why i run macro monarch as it is a much better alternative


also star man eater bug is a flip and a plus one so by tht logic i should deck it, yes?


i can trib a doomsday token for a dlz, what dad decks do you see running Dekoichi?


also im my experiance (as i used to deck this card in my norleras deck) it is horrible


flips are bad, and i do not see why adam corn won owait yes i do


because he had monarchs and dad and ccv


NOt A Dekoichi

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Spirit Reaper is GB bait too, but people run him.


Macro Monarchs is too inconsistent and reliant on a few cards to actually succeed. It's also just as slow as using flips.


Why the hell would you run this in Norleras?


What about everyone else who T16'd with Oppression Monarchs without DaD and CCV?

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Spirit Reaper is GB bait too' date=' but people run him.


right but its more useful imo


Macro Monarchs is too inconsistent and reliant on a few cards to actually succeed. It's also just as slow as using flips.


not mone mine runs very well :S, the turbo version didnt


Why the hell would you run this in Norleras?


the same reason you would run it "dark +1"


What about everyone else who T16'd with Oppression Monarchs without DaD and CCV?


im sure tht wasnt relient on a small pus one from a flip



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So after Spirit Reaper does his 1 hand discard, he gets pwnd by GB. At least Dekoichi will fetch a card. Spirit Reaper in DEF mode is even worse.


Suuure it does... Says the guy who runs no PMD and trip LV. And Marshmallon and Spirit Reaper, the two best ways to get GB's to tag.


Again, why the hell would you run this in Norleras? You're response is too vague.


Jesse Jackson

Main Deck

Monsters: 19

2 Prime Material Dragon

1 Sangan

1 Spirit Reaper

1 Night Assailant

1 Morphing Jar

2 Mask of Darkness

3 Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch

3 Caius the Shadow Monarch

3 Gravekeeper’s Spy

2 Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive


Spells: 8

1 Brain Control

2 Book of Moon

2 Allure of Darkness

3 Soul Exchange


Traps: 13

1 Mirror Force

3 Solemn Judgment

3 Reckless Greed

3 Royal Oppression

1 Trap Dustshoot

2 Bottomless Trap Hole


I pulled this list from the first I found. It wasn't reliant on it, but it ran it, and according to you, he's an idiot because he's running it.


PACMAN says hi.

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keep saying flips are good tht is also a "lulzmine"


Normally, I suck at this game.


However, even I'm decent enough to know that Dekoichi is a good card.


You're not providing any good arguments as to why it's bad, while we are providing arguments as to why it's good.

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