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please lock contest is now finished. thank you!


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another day down all! tomorrow is august 4th, this is the day I will be PM all of you to let you know what your scores are. I will also be posting everyones scores out in this thread so that all of you can see were everyone sits in scores out of 30. hope you all have a good night and a good day. see you all tomorrow.

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good morning everyone, today is august 4th. todays the day were I PM you all and let you know were you sit as far as scores go out of 30. you people deserve an explanation please read:


monkeybuoy2 has posted a card, not within the contest, not yet but I know he or she will. once he or she does, she will be officially in but for now since there is no card put in this contest forum yet, he or she is not going to be ranked until he or she puts the card in here. thanks for reading and hope you all understand. but i've seen the card, and hopefully you people will too. keep looking all and good luck, and have a good day everyone. heres the scores for everyone and were you all sit out of 30 so far:


keymakr 30/30


mechking101 30/30


monkeybuoy2 30/30


these top 3 scores above right now are the winners so far but anything can change.


tea.leaf 28/30


demented 28/30


caner5000 28/30


now that you can all see your scores, you will now know that you have 5 days to edit and change your cards. if you are happy with your scores thats fine, but your score won't change afterwards. hope you are all having fun, keep up the good work, and good luck, have a great day all.

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good evening everyone, sorry if this sounds annoying all the time, just trying to be nice as a contest holder. remember you have 5 days yet to edit your card, then after 10 o'clock pm night time, on august 9th, no more card editing. good luck and keep up the good work all.

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good morning all hope you are all having a good day. today is august 5th. the days are coming to a close. hey if anyone is wondering, what will happen if this contest got locked before the end date? this is what I'd do, I will reward the top 3 spots. here is another update of what all the scores look like.


keymakr 30/30


mechking101 30/30


monkeybuoy2 30/30


tea.leaf 28/30


demented 28/30


caner5000 28/30


this means that if this got locked right now, the top three since its a tie will receive, the following 2 reps and 3 points. thats for the winner. in the end it will equal 6 reps in all if you take 2 reps times 3 players in first place you get 6 reps. also if you take 9 points that I will be handing out, it will look like this, 3 points from me times 3 players in first place you get 9 points. this is legal and will work for i'm not going over the 6 rep limit, and I have 9 points to give so this is classified as, it can be done.


this is what it looks like as of now, hope you all have a good day. keep up the good work and good luck. quite rare isn't it?

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good afternoon everyone, are you all having a good day? 4 days yet and I can't even wait anymore! its so exciting. alright i've got something to say, I might end this contest tomorrow. the reason being is that you people probably can't wait any longer. so lets take a vote, how many of you want to see this contest be over tomorrow, this means I would hand out the points and change this thread to please lock this finished contest? if I get 4 votes to end this contest now, that will be that. thank you, you all have been excellent participants in my contest. can't wait to do another one. lol

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enough is enough this contest ends!!!!!!!!! drum roll please!!! lol


TODAY. thanks all for your participation and thanks for being a part of this.


the top 3 winners are


1st-3rd keymakr, mechking101, and monkeybuoy2! congradulations you all win 2 reps and 3 points!


4th-6th tea.leaf, demented, caner5000. thanks for participating.


I hope you all had fun in this contest. have a good day and this contest is officially closed! good bye everybody.

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