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My Batman Cards

Ryno Dorcus

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I like your theme. But...


*There are no Quick-Play Trap Cards.

*Use Hero and Villian as a Subtype, not a Type.

*If "The Dark Knight" can only be Special Summoned by tributing "Batman Begins", what's the point of giving "Alfred Pennyworth" the effect as being 2 sacrifices for both cards?

*"Bat Signal", "Batman Begins", and "The Dark Knight" are a bid overpowered. Give "Bat Signal" the same effect as "Hero Signal". It will make the card much more fitting. Lower the ATK and DEF of "Batman Begins" and the ATK of "The Dark Knight". Their effects make them good enough already.

*OCG Errors.


You do have some good points though. They are...


*"Batman Begins" is a pretty good monster and is easy to summon because of "Bat Signal".

*"The Dark Knight" also has a good effect, is easy to summon, and fuels the ability of "The Joker".

*"The Joker" is my personal favorite. He could really do well in a removal deck because of his effect and because of the existence of "D.D. Scout Plane" and "D.D. Survivor".


OVERALL REVIEW: Good cards in spite of some OCG errors and a bit of overpowering. 6.5/10. I would like to see more of those cards you plan on making.


Also check some of my threads. You might like them.

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bat man begins sucks! It should be 3000 atk since there is a card that destroys everything on your opponent's side of the field by sacraficing three monsters. oh, and discarding 4 cards to do 1000 damage? if you use that effect, you pretty much automaticly lose the hand advantage for almost absolutely nothing (enless it's a combo). even discarding one card to do 1000 damage is a loss. The dark knight also sucks. it only has 2800 atk and all it does is remove from play monsters it kills. that's a loss of three cards for it and its not even good! there are many cards with similar, better that does not take a three to one ratio to summon. kycoo the ghost destroyer for example.

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