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Support That Fairy Contest!! (finished / completed / winner posted)

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[align=center]Hi there:D

If you play the Yu-Gi-Oh Card Game, youll know that Fairy Power is rising with the new cards, and youll know who Tualatin is.

In this contest, i want you to make a LIGHT Fairy-Type Monster that will allow me to Special Summon Tualatin from my hand with Tualatin's Effect APPLIED.

Meaning; When Tualatin is Summoned, i can choose an Attribute and destroy all monsters on the field with that Attribute.[/align]


.::.Stirckie Rules..::.. (I like Perfection)

-10 contestants max

-2 cards(monsters only) max per contestant

-Only Effect Monsters (NO FUSION/SYNCHRO/RITUAL/NORMAL*duh*:shock:)

-Must be a LV4 or lower / LIGHT / Fairy-Type / Effect

-Effect(s) cannot be too long, but not too bland either

-Pix must be somewhat Fairy theme (i will judge very harsh on this)

-Must be in RARE or SECRET RARE (silver name(s))

-*Credit the artist of your pix or post a disclaimer

-*NO reserved. Just post your card if you want to enter

-Anyone can enter (Time to shine Legendary Card Makers)


.::.Strickie Judging..::..

-OCG (Official Card Grammar)..::..??/10%



-Effectiveness of Effect(s).......::..??/20%






Only 1st place winner, and the prize is 5 +Reps


.::.End Date..::..

10 days from today

I will update it and post it in the Thread Title



If 5 or less contestants entered this contest, i will have a 2nd place winner and the prize will alternate accordingly:

1st- 2 +Reps

2nd- 1 +Reps


Feel free to pm me for any clearification..












-OCG (Official Card Grammar)..::..10/10%



-Effectiveness of Effect(s).......::..17/20%









-OCG (Official Card Grammar)..::..6/10%



-Effectiveness of Effect(s).......::..10/20%




[spoiler=The Almighty Animator]




-OCG (Official Card Grammar)..::..9/10%



-Effectiveness of Effect(s).......::..10/20%






[spoiler=Effect]As long as this monster remains on the field, during your opponent's Battle Phase, your opponent's monster with the highest ATK must attack all monsters you control once each. You can halve the ATK and DEF of all monsters you control to gain Life Points equal to the number of monsters you control x400. This effect can only be used once in the Duel.





[spoiler=Effect]As long as this monster is in your Deck, during your opponent's Battle Phase, all monsters your opponent controls are treated as normal monsters. As long as this card is in your hand, the effects of all Spell and Trap Cards on the field are negated during each player's Battle Phase. When this monster is Summoned successfuly, search your Deck for 1 "Tualatin" and add it to your hand.




-OCG (Official Card Grammar)..::..10/10%



-Effectiveness of Effect(s).......::..15/20%




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not bad,but the ocg is a little of,and its horribly overpowered.also,how does it help summon Tualatin?


nice to see i got a spot!=D

actually,my card helps other cards as well.if it were in my Power Pack,it would work so well.grave squirmer is way easier to use.

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Am I Allowed To Enter, Phantasy Dreamer?

If So

[spoiler=Tania, Mythical Snow Queen:]


Effect:When this card is Normal Summoned to the Field, you can also Summon Lytaela, Magical Priestess of Polyphryia. You can halve this monster's ATK points to attack twice during the same Battle Phase. If you do this, you lose 500 Life Points.


[spoiler=Lytaela, Magical Priestess of Polyphryia:]


EffectThis card can only be Summoned to the Field if Tania. Mythical Snow Queen is in face-up Attack Position. As long as this card is in Defense Mode, every monster on your opponent's side of the field gains 1300 ATK points. By sending this and Tania. Mythical Snow Queen to the Graveyard (this is treated as being destroyed during Battle), you can add 1 Tualatin from your Deck to your Hand.


P.S. the pictures i used are from deviantart

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Mini Mizer


The Dark Prince

ok..... i think you guys are miss understanding Tualatin's effect..

Effect="If controlled 2 or more monsters at the start of your opponent's Battle Phase and all of them are destroyed by battle and sent the Graveyard, you can Special Summon this card from your hand during that Battle Phase. If you do, choose an Attribute and destroy all face-up monsters with that Attribute. Your opponent cannot Normal Summon or Special Summon monsters with that Attribute."


*Why dont you guys try again, and notify me when you updated your cards..:)

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I'll give it a try.

Holoing & Editing are done by me. Original pics aren't mine.


[spoiler=Effect]As long as this monster remains on the field, during your opponent's Battle Phase, your opponent's monster with the highest ATK must attack all monsters you control once each. You can halve the ATK and DEF of all monsters you control to gain Life Points equal to the number of monsters you control x400. This effect can only be used once in the Duel.





[spoiler=Effect]As long as this monster is in your Deck, during your opponent's Battle Phase, all monsters your opponent controls are treated as normal monsters. As long as this card is in your hand, the effects of all Spell and Trap Cards on the field are negated during each player's Battle Phase. When this monster is Summoned successfuly, search your Deck for 1 "Tualatin" and add it to your hand.



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