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Hello laddies and gentlemen this is an announcement about a contest that will start tomorrow the 31st of july. this total contest will start on august 1st. I will only be allowing 5 entries. so far I only have 1 person who has entered, here is its users name: (his name is right below here.)




I'm still looking for 4 more willing participants. if you want to join I will be looking for your private message in my inbox. once I look at it I will then say welcome you are in. I will type this tomorrow morning around 10 o'clock am in the morning time. this contest post or thread, will be ready by 10:30 or 11:00 no later than noon, so keep your eyes open.


PM message: heres what I'll be looking for:


I'm in, if this is what you said consider yourself a contestant.


I'm not quite sure reserv my space, if you said this consider yourself a contestant.


if you said that I don't think I'll join. you can always change your mind.


again starting date is august 1st. july 31st will be the day I long wait for 5 people. 4 people are needed yet before august 1st.


when I get 5 I will change the contest title from, "light monster attribute contest 1 card only contest" to, " light monster attribute contest 1 card only, contest in progress."


if I get 5 people and you wanted to join, you will have to wait till the next contest. I'm sorry for the inconvenience, for this was posted one day before contest rules and waiting for 5 people. 4 people still can enter for I already have 1 willing participant.


if you want to post comments on this contest, you can. I will NOT!!! be putting you in the contest, unless you PM me and I allow you to enter. keep in mind, that I will only be allowing 5 people. here is all that will be expected in this contest as well as points.


1 light monster card attribute.


1st place 3 reps and 5 points.


2nd place 2 reps and 3 points.


3rd place 1 rep and 1 point.


again starting date will be august 1st. 12:00 am midnight.


no more entries on august 8th, after 11:59 pm. at night. this is only if I don't have 5 people.


no more card making or editing on august 9th.


card judging on august 10th, will take place at 1:00 pm time in the afternoon.


points awarded on august 11th. at 3:00 pm afternoon.


forum or contest closed, locked, and completed so that this can be a neat and tidy place to post threads and contests. this will be done on august 12th.


I hope you all have fun for those who will enter. I will be allowing only 4 PM messages. how will this be done? I will take the first 4 PM if there is anybody that doesn't want to participate, then you might still have a chance. if you have any questions about all thats been typed, please PM me a question I will be waiting just like you people will for july 31st and august 1st. have a nice day all and good luck.


0 entries left. let the games begin only on august 1st good luck all. first one to PM me wins and then its final. to find the contest it will be named:


light monster attribute contest, 1 card only, contest in progress.

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ok use this card in the contest. this is the announcement. the official contest starts tomorrow at 12:00 pm noon time afternoon. good luck to you caner5000 and monkeybuoy2. and to everyone else in the contest that starts on august 1st or the 31 of june your choice, good luck.

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yes I will reserve your space in the contest meaning you will still be in, but the dead line for the card making and editing will be the 9th of august at 10 o'clock PM night time this means no more cards can be made or edited for the contest. I will have this contest up before noon time today. so keep a sharp eye out for it.

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