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Golden City

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I was inspired.


Monsters [15]

3| Elemental Hero Captain Gold

3| Elemental Hero Neos Alius

3| Honest

2| Elemental Hero Prisma

1| D.D. Crow

1| Elemental Hero Stratos

1| Exiled Force

1| Kuriboh


Spells [12]

3| Shrink

2| Book of Moon

2| E - Emergency Call

2| Skyscraper

1| Mystical Space Typhoon

1| R - Righteous Justice

1| Reinforcement of the Army


Traps [13]

3| Dark Bribe

3| Royal Oppression

3| Skill Drain

2| Bottomless Trap Hole

1| Mirror Force

1| Torrential Tribute

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I was inspired.


Monsters [15]

3| Elemental Hero Captain Gold

3| Elemental Hero Neos Alius

3| Elemental Hero Prisma

3| Honest

1| D.D. Crow

1| Elemental Hero Stratos

1| Kuriboh


Spells [13]

3| Shrink

3| Skyscraper

2| Book of Moon

2| Reinforcement of the Army

1| E - Emergency Call

1| Mystical Space Typhoon

1| R - Righteous Justice


Traps [11]

3| Dark Bribe

3| Royal Oppression

3| Skill Drain

2| Bottomless Trap Hole

1| Mirror Force


Um... You only have 39 cards. You need 1 or 2 more cards. Maybe Exiled Force...

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