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History Hero's - Creation Contest

Dark Crokan80

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This all new contest tests you on two things - history and experience on Yu-Gi-Oh Card Maker!

Your task is simple;- to help me develop a new set of cards with something to do with History Heroes. The rules are these:

-No rudeness in the names/effects

-Max no. of cards per person is 4 (2 monsters, 1 magic and 1 trap)

-Deadline is 3rd September 2008 @4:55pm

-I am the one and ONLY judge in this competition.


Rewards are as follows:

3rd place and above:- CERTAIN chance of getting into my most honoured cards file.

3rd Place- 1 rep

2nd Place- 2 reps

1st Place- 3 reps



Here are the promised examples of 4 cards I made earlier on.



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You have started another contest. The rules state you can only have 1 active contest at a time. As such, I have locked this one until the other one finishes. When you would like this one reopened, feel free to PM me and I will unlock it.





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