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6/10. Why not make it "If there is a card with "Spider-Man" in its name on your opponent's side of the field, this card must be targeted by it. If there is a card with "Carnage" in its name on your side of the field, increase this card's ATK and DEF by 600." Use it if you want but remember to give credit. It is rude if you don't.

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Uh' date=' that ain't HOT at all! For tricking me into this thread I rate this a 0/100!



LOL thats a bit harsh 3cchiFr3ak don't u think?


Anyway, IF HE'S HOT, THEN I'M MICHAEL JACKSON! But its a good idea to name ur thread that though, because i can imagine that most people will be interested/curious about that (Except girls, for obvious reasons...) then they find out that it just shows a big hairy (Sort of) beast! LOL!


Also i agree with DeMeNTeD, you should give it a summoning condition or something else that will balance it out more.

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